Page 75 of The Don

Lucy peers down the corridor, and I turn to see Ruben giving Dante instructions before he looks over toward us and finishes whatever they’re talking about. “My apologies,” Ruben announces when he sidles up beside me.

Lucy has a plastic door key which she scans over the digital lock. She opens the door and steps aside, waiting for us to enter.

My eyes widen as I look around the room. I can feel my smile growing as I scan every square inch. “Wow,” I say as I walk in further.

“Have a good evening.”

The door closes and I’m speechless as I take in the wonder. There’s a massive bed filling half the room, and right opposite, the wall is floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside is a dimly lit lion enclosure where two lions are curled around one another, sleeping. “This isn’t real,” I say while drifting toward the glass. “They look so gentle.”

Ruben’s arms wrap around my body, pressing his front to my back. “Our home for the night.”

“I had no idea this was a thing.” I snuggle into Ruben as he kisses down the column of my throat. “Thank you.” I turn in his arms and wrap mine around his neck.

“I wanted you to have the birthday you deserve.”

“I honestly wanted to forget about it, just curl up and let the day pass. But, you’ve made it so special for me. You’ve set the bar quite high,” I say cheekily before a massive yawn tears through me.

Ruben’s mouth takes mine, and I can feel his arousal growing rapidly. “I seem to have a problem, Amorina.”

“What’s that?”

“I can’t keep my hands off of you.” He runs his hands up and down my back, finally landing on my butt. “But, you’re tired, so you need to go have a shower and prepare for bed.”

I tighten my embrace as I rest my head on his chest. “You’re right, I’m tired.”

He spanks my butt and my entire body shivers with desire. “Off you go.”

He releases me, and I pull back to look around before finding the only other door to the room. I head in and smile at the bathroom. “Ruben!” He barges through the door and stops when I point up. “Fish.” The entire ceiling is a massive, see-through fish tank.

“Well, that’s slightly uncomfortable.”

I turn to look at Ruben and tilt my head to the side. “You don’t like fish?”

“There’s a million of the fuckers giving me stink eye,” he says with a touch of humor.

“I’m fairly confident they don’t care about you.”

He looks up in disgust and shakes his head. “Hurry up.” Ruben steps out of the bathroom and closes the door. I take it he’s not into the fish tank ceiling. I think it’s awesome, and incredibly unusual.

I have a quick shower and change into what I know Ruben will like. I walk out in a thong and a tank top. Ruben’s already reclined in bed. I pause as I approach him, allowing myself to drink in his taut, tattooed chest. “Wow,” I say as I ingest every morsel of the beautiful man he is.

Ruben pulls his shoulders back and lifts his chin as he too is looking at me with hunger. There’s a lightness in my chest, as if the world has melted away and I don’t have a care. “Come here,” Ruben commands with a crook of his finger.

I walk over to the bed, push the covers off of him, and straddle his hips. “I want this,” I say as I tear my tank off over my head. He cups my face and drags me down to place a kiss on my lips.

“What do you want, Amorina?”

“You,” I shamelessly admit. I hold eye contact with him as I chew on my inner cheek. “I want your mouth on me,” I whisper as I continue to search his eyes.

The corner of his mouth tugs up into a small smile. “I’m so proud of you.” His praise fills my heart with an emotion I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel again. “That’s my girl.” Moisture pools between my legs as I adjust to feel the pressure between us. “Stand up,” he commands as he taps my thighs.

Obediently, I push off of him and stand. Ruben moves to his feet in front of me. I reach out to touch his bare chest, but pull back in case he doesn’t want me to. Ruben reaches for my hand and places it over his heart. I drag my eyes down to where my hand is connected to his warm skin. My brain is going haywire, as is my breathing. “I find myself crazy attracted to you,” I admit as I continue to stare at his body.

“Look at me.” I close my eyes for a few seconds before opening them to look into Ruben’s sinfully sexy eyes. “Tonight is all about you, Amorina. We’re not going to do anything you don’t want. But, I need to hear your voice, hear you speak your words.”

I nod slowly and sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “I understand.”

“Good. Now, be my good girl and lower to your knees.”