Page 7 of The Don

Rose reaches across to the food and starts piling it onto her plate. Neither Ruben nor Dominic make any attempt to move for the food. They’re lost in their conversation. My leg bounces beneath the table as I wait for the men. “Eliza,” Ruben says. I look over to him, and he gestures toward the table. “Please.”

There’s a pounding in my chest as I attempt to interpret his gesture. Should I wait or should I have some food? “Eliza,” Rose says. She lifts a plate with charred asparagus and hands it to me.

I reach for it and take two spears, then put a few more things on my plate. Once I’m done, Ruben and Dominic both help themselves. My head is screaming at me to ask permission to eat, but I know Dominic is nothing like him. But Ruben...what if he’s worse than him?

“You’re not hungry?” Ruben’s hoarse drawl makes my skin prickle. “Amorina?” he repeats.

I look over to him and smile. “I am, but...” I scan everyone’s plates, then return my eyes to him.

“Eat while it’s still hot,” he says, clearly understanding my hesitation.

“Thank you,” I say and focus on my plate.

The conversation between my sister, Dominic, and Ruben is centered around their wedding. I remain quiet as I nibble on my lunch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ruben lift his phone and I turn slightly to peek at what he’s doing. While they talk, Ruben sends someone a message, then returns his phone to his pocket.

I cut the spears into bitesize pieces and pop one into my mouth, trying to make myself as small as possible so they all forget I’m here.

“Sir,” I hear Dante’s thick voice.

I drop the flatware and turn to see if Storm is back. I breathe a massive relieved breath when I notice Storm protectively standing beside Dante. I want to jump to my feet and hug Storm, but I can tell from the way his ears are up, his snout is closed, and his rigid posture beside Dante that he’s in work mode.

Ruben glances toward me, and Dante turns to face me. “Gratuito,” he says to Storm who instantly relaxes. Dante steps toward me and clicks his fingers. “Rimanere,” he commands Storm who sits beside me.

“Thank you, Dante,” Ruben says.

Dante nods and leaves.

I look to Ruben with the biggest smile before I reach my hand down and pet Storm’s thick, luscious coat. It feels like the weight of the world lifts when Storm is close by. “Thank you,” I say to Ruben.

Ruben offers me no more than a slight smile and a wink.

My shoulders relax as I keep peeking over to Storm while I eat my lunch and listen to the conversation. There’s something weirdly comforting about Storm. I feel like he’s not going to judge me, or yell at me, or beat me.

He’s just so perfect.

I can’t explain it, but I absolutely love Storm.

Right here, right now, I feel totally safe because of him. And for that, I’m truly grateful.

Chapter two


“How’s your bride?” I ask Dominic as we stand outside the church waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Dominic stomps out his cigarette and shakes his head. “She’s a pain in my fucking ass,” he says with a smile.

“Are you talking about her throwing you out of your own house last night?”

“Yes, and she’s had me on a no-sex restriction for a week. She told me if I’m forcing her to get married in a church, then she’s forcing me into a week of celibacy.”

I clap a hand to his shoulder as a roar of laughter escapes me. “She’s a keeper, son.”

“Yeah, she is,” he says proudly.

I remove my hand and shove both of them in my pant pockets. “How’s Eliza doing?”

“Rose called me this morning and told me Eliza is a mess and she’s not sure if she can attend today.”