Page 44 of The Don

I smirk. “Bring the two soldiers who were shit talking Eliza to me.”

“I’ve got my men keeping an eye on them, ready to bring them in on your word.” He cuts into his eggs and shoves it into his mouth. “What do you want me to do with Jamie?”

I return my attention to the food to give me a moment to think about Jamie and what to do with him. “He was quite disrespectful to Eliza last night.”

“What did he do?”

“She asked a question and he snapped at her.”

Dante chuckles as he shakes his head. “He’s a good worker.” He doesn’t want me to kill him.

“Break his jaw.”

“Done.” Dante continues eating. “I’ll tell him to watch his mouth with how he speaks to women.”

“Acceptable.” I pick my coffee up and finish it. “And you said the shed will be done by tomorrow?”

“Yeah, it’ll be ready for you tomorrow.” He pushes the grilled tomato to the side, then picks up the bacon to eat.

Storm’s nails give him away. I straighten in my seat as I keep an ear out for Eliza. “Good morning,” she says from behind me in a small voice.

I stand and walk over to her, placing a kiss on her mouth. She retreats back and lowers her head. “Are you hungry?” I slide the chair out and wait for her to sit before pushing it in. Dante watches us questioningly before he stands and calls Storm so he can take him outside.

I return to my seat and Eliza peers around the room, then leans over to whisper, “I’m sorry about last night.”

“Stop apologizing to me,” I say with a firm tone.

She sits back in the chair. “Sorry,” her voice is even smaller. “How are you feeling?” She produces the yellow bottle the doc gave me from her pocket, shakes out a tablet, and places it on the table in front of me.

“It’s just a scratch.” I look at the tablet and leave it on the table.

Eliza sinks against the seat as a pleading look passes over her. Her brows are high and her jaw is tight. “Please, don’t tell me it’s just a scratch. I was there, I helped, and I saw that...” she pauses and points to my side. “It’s not ‘just a scratch.’ Please,” she begs. “Tell me the truth. Does it hurt?”

“I’ve had worse.” Her face instantly drops as her eyes widen and her mouth closes. Shit, I’ve scared her.

“Can you please take your antibiotic?”

“I don’t need that.”

Eliza takes a breath while keeping her big blue eyes glued to mine. “Josiah said you need antibiotics to fight off any infection.” I find myself internally seething when she speaks of the doctor with such high regard. I look at the tablet on the table, then back to Eliza. Her big eyes beg me to take the tablet. I lift the fucking thing and swallow it down with a swig of my coffee. “Thank you,” she says and sighs with a smile.

“You’ll move into my bedroom,” I say just as Maria walks into the dining room.

“Miss Eliza,” she says. “You’re awake.” Eliza’s soulful eyes are locked on mine while her mouth is wide with question. “I’ll bring your breakfast.” Maria slips out of the dining room quietly.


“You’ll be moving into my room,” I repeat casually.

“No, I can’t do that.”


“Because...” She lifts her hand and points to me, then to herself. “We’re know.”

“I’m not getting into this with you, Amorina. You’re moving into my room, and that’s final.”

Maria quietly slides into the dining room with breakfast and coffee for Eliza. She places it down, and just as unobtrusively leaves. “I’ll stay with you until you’re healed.”