Page 4 of The Don

“Hey, you,” Rose says when I make my way down the staircase. “You look hot.” She walks over to me when I reach the bottom and hugs me. “You okay?” she whispers.

“Of course,” I say, though my insides are all messed up and freaking out.

“Dominic!” Rose calls.

Marco appears and smiles at both of us before walking to the front of the house. “Ladies,” Dominic says when he enters the foyer from his office. His eyes light up when he sees my sister. He looks at her like he desperately needs her for his survival. He really is nothing like Adrian. “You look beautiful.” He kisses my sister on the forehead, and I can’t help but love the way he loves her. “Eliza, you look beautiful too.” He bends to kiss me on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I say in a small voice.

“The cars are ready,” Marco announces.

Cars? “Ladies, shall we?” Dominic links Rose’s arm through his and walks ahead. I follow behind, careful to hold my chin up and try to push the feelings of dread as far down as I can.

“Eliza,” Marco says as he holds the back door to the first car open.

My eyes widen and fear overtakes me when I see Dominic and Rose head toward the second car. I look over to her, and even though I’m trying to hold in the terror, Rose certainly sees it. She speaks with Dominic before breaking away from him. “Come on,” she says and waits for me to slide in first.

This isn’t fair to her or Dominic. These are my own insecurities, and I shouldn’t interrupt their lives any more than I already have. “I’ll be fine, you don’t need to ride with me, Rose.”

“Really?” She tilts her head to the side. “You look like you’re about to have a massive panic attack.”

I lift my chin and control the urge to burst into tears. I look to Marco and say, “Will you be traveling with me?”

“I’ll be with Dominic but Varo and Orzo will be with you.”

I turn to Rose and offer her the most genuine smile I can muster. “Do you trust Orzo and Varo?”

“Absolutely,” she says without missing a beat.

“Then so do I.” I wave my hand at her. “Shoo.” She’s my little sister; it’s not her job to look after me. Hell, it’s no one’s job except my own. Rose doesn’t leave; she stays until I say, “I’m a big girl now, Rose.”

Her shoulders fall but after what seems a long moment, she nods and returns to Dominic, who’s waiting outside their car. I slide into the back and Marco shuts the door. I feel like I’m about to vomit. I’m in the car with Varo behind the wheel and Orzo sitting in the front passenger side. I close my eyes and take several deep breaths while fighting my agitated mind that’s trying to tell me this is exactly what used to happen with him.

The car moves slowly down toward the gates, and I open my eyes and focus on breathing so I can calm myself and not be a nervous wreck once we arrive at Ruben’s.

I’ve got this.

I take in a huge breath when the car pulls up to Ruben’s mansion. The house is set on many acres, with plenty of security all around. “Ma’am,” Orzo says as he holds the door open for me. He extends his hand to assist me.

“Thank you.” I nervously shift over before placing my hand in his to exit. Once out, he closes the door, and I look to my right where Rose is already exiting the car and walking toward me.

“You holding up okay?” Rose asks.

I put on my brave face because I hate causing her to worry. But my insides are quivering with absolute panic. “Of course.”

Dominic leads the way up to the door, where an older lady with salt-and-pepper hair is waiting for us with a wide smile.

“Dominic,” I hear from inside.

“Uncle,” Dominic replies.

Rose’s hand is laced through mine, and she walks ahead with such confidence while tugging me along. One day, I’ll have the same self-assurance as my little sister does, but until that day, I’ll have to continue pretending. “Rose.” Ruben approaches her and does the whole European double kiss thing. When his eyes land on me, my pulse quickens. “Eliza,” he says as he offers me a small nod. “You look stunning,” his voice is raspy and heavy.

“Thank you, sir,” I say as I lower my eyes.

“It’s Ruben,” he corrects. That was beaten into me, so breaking the habit when I’m in the presence of the Don will be difficult. “The table is set and ready. Come.” Ruben steps aside and gestures toward the back of his house.

I look in the direction he indicates to see the sliding French doors that take up most of the back wall are completely open. “So pretty,” I say as I look out to a massive paved patio area that has wisteria growing over a pergola.