“Wanna tell me what you’re doing?” Dante asks.
“The safe.”
“I’ll have the car brought around to the side.”
When Heaven, Lust, and Sunset were hit a few months ago, I had all the doors upgraded so no one could access them without the codes. You would literally need explosives in order to open them. And each manager has their own code, which is timestamped every time they enter or leave one of the rooms. No fucker is gonna get past the doors and rip me off again.
“Give me a minute,” Dante says and disappears back upstairs. It takes him a moment to return with a duffel bag, which he hands over to me.
I put my code into the keypad and Dante waits out in the hallway while I head into the room. The safe stands up to my waist and can only be opened with the codes which Dominic, Dante, and I have. The managers can deposit money into it with their own codes, but there’s no way any of them can open it.
I open the duffel, kneel on one knee and place the cash into it. Heaven is one of my most profitable nightclubs. The safe hasn’t been emptied since the day before Dominic left for his honeymoon, and there has to be at least two hundred thousand in here.
I close the safe and reset it, then straighten and walk toward the door.
I hear commotion out in the hallway, followed by a gunshot.
I drop the bag, take my gun from my chest holster and open the door, shutting it behind me.
There are three masked men on Dante. Dante is throwing his elbow out as he fights his way out of the ambush. But three on one isn’t exactly an even playing field.
I fist my hand onto one of the guy’s hair, pull him back and shoot him in the head. He collapses to the ground.
“Fuck!” one of them screams when he sees me.
This is enough to give Dante the opportunity to smash through the other two.
“Take him,” one of the two remaining yells.
I feel something sharp stab into my side, and turn to find a fourth guy coming up from behind me. I shoot him in the guts, causing him to double over in pain. One of the other two lays a boot into the door of the room where the safe is, but the door doesn’t budge. “What the fuck?” he lays in a second boot. “Fucking liar said it was easy.”
The pain in my side is intense, but I advance on him and put a bullet into the side of his head. He falls to the floor, and now there’s one left.
Dante already has him on the ground with his elbow around his neck as he squeezes the life out of him. The guy is fighting Dante’s grip, but soon all the life leaves his body and he slumps to the floor. I turn to the one who’s on his knees, wheezing from the gunshot in the stomach, and shoot him once more in the head.
“You alright?” Dante asks between heavy breathing. I tear my jacket off and look at my side where blood is oozing out. Dante stumbles back as he gathers his breath. “Fuck.” He regains his strength and heads over to me, hooks his arm around my back and helps me out to the car.
“Fuckers,” I grumble as I limp toward the side door, where the car is waiting for us. “Are you hurt?”
Dante snickers as he helps me into the car. “I don’t have blood spurting out of me, so I’ll be fine.”
“Make sure no one comes downstairs. Find out who these fuckers are, too.”
“I’ll take care of it. I’ll get the doctor over to the house.” He closes the door and taps the top of the car.
“I’ll have you home soon,” Salvo says as he pulls out of the alleyway and speeds toward the house.
I hold onto my side, and try not to move because the wound fucking hurts.
I lay my head back on the seat and close my eyes.
Chapter eight
Storm growls, forcing my eyes to snap open. I look around the room and wait for a moment for my eyes to adjust. Storm is standing at the door, tilting his head while he growls.
My heart races as I sit up in bed and drag the sheets up my body. “What is it, boy?”