Calloway’s unexpected words light a firebomb in my gut. I groan, holding his head still, unleashing hot shots of cum down his throat, my orgasm rolling out of me, my hips moving rapidly, my cock and balls nothing more than a vessel for my cum.
Calloway’s eyes roll back, and horny moans tear out of his lips as he pumps into Constable Charlie, his hips pistoning without ceasing, faster and faster, working quicker than a hummingbird’s wings.
I pull my cock out of his mouth, then smear my pink crown around his lips. "Christ, you’re perfect. Absolutely flawless in every way."
"We need to wash Constable Charlie!"
I take Calloway’s hand in mine as I lead him off the bed. We tiptoe to the bathroom, where we run Constable Charlie a bubble bath, and scrub him clean. Calloway sobs the entire time, soaping up his teddy’s fur, and he buries his teary face in my chest.
"I hurt my teddy, Daddy!"
"No, you didn’t. You have a stuffy kink, beautiful boy. Some Littles do and others don’t. What you did is normal for a Little with a stuffy kink. When I was growing up, I’ll confess that I did this with him, too. It’s been decades since he’s tasted a bit of cum. I’m proud of you for doing what you wanted tonight in the bedroom. You’re not afraid to go for what you desire, and that’s commendable in a young man your age. You’re a far cry from the naïve boy I thought you were when I met you, sweetie. You’re strong—stronger than most adults ever are. You might not even be nineteen yet, but you’re not afraid to grab life by the horns. I wish all people were as open-minded as you."
Calloway looks up at me. He furrows his brow. "I’m not a weirdo?"
"You’re a perfectly normal Little, and I love you for it. When we head to the Hug Club for the Best Hugger competition next weekend, I want you to tell everyone what you got up to. Brag about it. Watch the jealousy on their faces when they realize how lucky you are."
I wrap my arms around Calloway. I hold him, just hold him. I don't let my poor boy go until he melts into my body, understanding that he’s not broken, there's nothing wrong with him, he’s just right and if anyone has a damn problem with him, well, that’s their issue.
"Oh, Daddy." Calloway blows a teary raspberry on my chest. Btttthpt. "You know how to make me feel better. Thank you for accepting me the way I am, for not judging me or holding my unique needs against me. You’re the best Daddy a boy could ask for."
We tug Constable Charlie out of the bubble bath, rinse him, then plop him on the sink. We grab the hair dryer, then spend the next hour eating cookies, drinking juice pouches, and drying Constable Charlie.
By the end of the night, Constable Charlie is as clean as new, and super warm and dry. Calloway buries him in his arms, holding him tight, and to my great joy, there’s not a tear in either of his eyes.
Not everyone practices this kink the same, and that’s okay. Every age player is as unique and beautiful as a one-of-a-kind snowflake, and as long as you keep your teddy clean afterward, nothing can go wrong.
Calloway looks up at me over Constable Charlie’s right ear. "I have to go to the potty."
I take Constable Charlie from his arms, then lift up the toilet seat. I guide Calloway’s wee over the bowl, and then say, "I’ve got you."
Calloway hums as he uses the toilet and when he finishes, I shake off his wee. He does a happy dance, bouncing all over the bathroom, and for a second, I wonder if I gave him too much sugar to fall asleep.
My worries are unfounded. The second we return to my room, he snuggles up next to me, his perfect lithe ass molding into the crook of my hips, and he holds Constable Charlie in his arms. As I drift off to dreamland, I can’t resist the urge to think that, at long last, I’m truly one with my precious boy. Sweet, sweet Calloway. Mine in every way.
I issue Greyson a look, then blush. It’s hard to stare into his eyes after I’ve swallowed his cum. And also beaten off in Constable Charlie.
Greyson knows all my secrets now. Everything is out in the open for him to do what he pleases with.
There’s a benefit to laying all your cards on the table with your partner. You’re in the clear, completely exposed yet also clean. You have no secrets, no guilt, no shame.
Greyson nudges my ribs. "Hurry, boy. You don't want to be late."
I spit out my toothpaste, then make a grabby motion for my sippy. Greyson slides it into my hands, and then I take a big swig, swishing it around, then spit it out.
Greyson opens my mouth to make sure I scrubbed every tooth. "No, that won’t do. Goodness, boy. You missed your big chompers in the back."
I’m tempted to giggle. But the way Greyson holds my jaw, so powerful and in control, makes me shy. I stare down so I don't have a heart attack gazing into his eyes. "Looks like you’ll have to do clean-up duty."
"It’s my pleasure."
Greyson picks up my blue light-up toothbrush, then brushes my teeth all over again. He starts with my molars, getting into every nook and crevice, before moving to my front chompers. I feel like a bunny as I stick my chin up, grateful that I have a Daddy who doesn’t let me brush incorrectly.
Greyson brings my sippy to my mouth this time. He instructs me to sip, which I do. He pushes my cheeks together, then forces the water out.