Page 22 of Snuggle Bug

Greyson wraps his arms around me. "Constable Charlie is telling me right now that you’re going to do a great job caring for him."

"I am, Daddy." I nod, certain of my capability to fulfill this duty. "You can count on me."

My eyes lock on my new teddy. He can’t speak, but he seems to be telling me something through his eyes.

I’m glad it’s you. Other Littles have played with me before, but the connection we share outshines the others. All my life, I’ve been waiting for a boy who loves me as much as Greyson used to. We have a bond that no one can break when we play together. Now that I’m heading home with you, I can be happy again.

"He reminds me of Corduroy." I sniffle again.

Corduroy is a teddy from a storybook who’s all alone in a toy store, a teddy just like Constable Charlie who comes alive when we leave the room. He needs to find a family to love him, and so on Christmas, he searches all over for the perfect protector. At last, he finds a girl who couldn’t be happier to make him her forever stuffy.

Greyson takes my hand in his. "I feel quite guilty for letting him stay at the Hug Club all alone for so many nights. He should’ve been sleeping with a boy. Like he wanted."

"He tells me that it’s okay, Daddy. He had the other stuffies to play with, and that way, he wasn’t lonely."

I bring Constable Charlie to my lips and kiss him. I’m not sure why I do this, because most boys wouldn’t in my shoes. I’ve never seen another Little at the Club kiss their teddy. For a second, worry that some other boy who doesn’t kiss his stuffies is judging me zaps through me, and I’m tempted to pull Constable Charlie away from my lips. Then, I remember that Greyson is with me, that he sticks up for me, and that, if I want to show Constable Charlie how grateful I am that he’s truly in my life, I ought not to feel ashamed.

Greyson smiles as he massages my hand. "You care a lot about Constable Charlie, don't you?"

"Yeah." I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet, then let my teddy’s nose brush mine. "He knows that I’m kissing him because I’m so happy I get to care for him. Not many boys are blessed with this type of responsibility. I’ll fulfill my duty like my life depends on it."

In a way, it does. Truth is, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let Constable Charlie down. From now on, he’ll eat breakfast with me, sit in a highchair beside mine, join me while I study, and snuggle with me when I go to bed. He’ll join the other stuffies that Greyson gave me when I moved in with him, and I’ll protect him just like Greyson protects me.

Greyson leans in and kisses my nose. "You make me wish I’d met you sooner."

"That wouldn’t have been possible, Daddy." I can’t resist the urge to giggle, then hug Constable Charlie even tighter. "I joined that app the first month I was old enough. You scooped me up right away."

"You’re right, boy. I just think about all the boys I’ve known in my life, all the boys who were so inferior to you precisely because they weren’t you, boys who could never measure up to you because they lacked that inner spark that makes you shine, and I regret wasting so much time on them. The best decision I ever made was messaging you on that app."

"I was so happy when I saw your message. I couldn’t believe a Daddy who was exactly my type wanted to speak to me."

"How could I not want to speak to you?" Greyson murmurs, his hand traveling behind me, and massaging my bum. "You’re unlike any other boy here. So different from any I’ve ever met. You care for my old teddy, are so precious and sweet, and you’re so open with who you are that I can’t help but fall more in love with you every passing minute. Last night in the cuddle room only solidified my feelings. I love you, sweet boy. I want to be with you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life."

I glance around the playroom. There are Littles doodling with oversized crayons; pups chasing their tails; leather Daddies zipping up their jackets; and in the corner, Wren is helping Koa set up the projector screen.

"What time is it?"

"It’s Saturday night. We were in the cuddle room for close to an entire day."

My jaw tumbles to my feet. Greyson must be mistaken. There’s no way. "Not a chance."

"I was as surprised as you."

I glance at a clock on the wall, and sure enough, it’s seven o’clock on Saturday night. Last night was Friday, and tomorrow is Sunday. I don't want this weekend to ever end.

My eyes lock on Greyson’s again. "I haven’t had breakfast. And now, I’m supposed to prepare my belly for popcorn. That’s all wrong!"

Greyson tweaks my bum, and the sensation catches me so off guard that I lean back into his palm and moan. He smoothes out the spot where he pinched me, but there’s a tingle in my bum now that I don't want to die down.

Turning my head down, I stare down past Constable Charlie’s head and look between my legs. Sure enough, my cock bulges in my onesie, hard and achy.

Greyson smiles at me. "I tell you what we’ll do. I’ll head to the kitchen, tell Jako that we need breakfast food, and enjoy it while we watch the movie. He might make us bacon and eggs. Or rainbow sprinkle pancakes. I can slip him a club buck or two if he throws in two mugs of hot cocoa with whipped cream. How does that sound?"

Greyson moves his other hand between my legs. He cups my bulge, then moves his hand across my length. My cock strains into his palm, my head trembling for his touch.

"Y-Yeah." I bury my face in Constable Charlie. "That sounds good."

"Do you mind that I’m doing this?"