Page 27 of Wet Screams

“About it being a monster case?” Cody shook his head. “No. It was an accidental drowning. That’s all. Let’s not go looking for monsters, okay? Not this time.”

“Yeah, okay.” Demmy hugged himself and his gaze drifted off to the side. “She wasn’t wearing a swimsuit.”

Dammit, Cody thought, then gave a single nod. “I noticed that, too.”

“I don’t think she wanted to be swimming.”

“Maybe not.”

Demmy was quiet again, and Cody sent up a silent prayer, request, demand, that he not go back to the topic.

“So, it’s one of the two Ms,” Demmy said.

“I know one of them is monster. What’s the other?”


“That pretty much tracks for us.” Cody pushed up from the counter and gave Demmy a soft kiss before slipping past him. “I’m going to shower.”

After Cody had cleaned up, they dressed in t-shirts and cotton shorts and stretched out on the couch to watch a baseball game. Cody lay on his back and Demmy lay atop him, his weight a comfortable anchor keeping him grounded in their life together. The best kind of weighted blanket.

Sometime later, a knock on the door brought Cody out of a deep sleep. Demmy still lay on him, both of them startling at the sudden sound.

“Who’s that?” Demmy slurred, lifting his head from Cody’s chest and licking his dry lips.

“An asshole,” Cody muttered. “Ignore them.”

“It’s Lucia. I know you’re both in there,” she said in her gruff business voice.

“See?” Cody said, then winced as Demmy moved off him, accidentally elbowing him in the crotch.

“Sorry.” Demmy leaned down to place a gentle kiss over the cotton-covered mound of Cody’s cock.

“Don’t get me revved up if I’m going to open the door for Lucia,” Cody said as he pulled his feet up past Demmy and planted them on the floor.

“That revved you up?” Demmy slid down and sat where Cody’s feet had been.

Cody leaned over to kiss him. “Baby, most everything you do revs me up.”

“Get your clothes on and answer the damn door,” Lucia called from the porch.

Cody pushed up from the couch and opened the door. He leaned in the frame and smiled at her through the screen as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. “Is it tomorrow morning already?”

“Something’s come up. I need to talk to both of you now.”

Feeling the urgency in her demeanor, Cody nodded and opened the screen door. Lucia walked past him into the house and stood in the living room.

“Thank you for letting me in.”

“You’re not a vampire, are you?” Cody couldn’t help asking.

“What’s the urgency?” Demmy said, getting right to business and heading off Lucia’s response.

“We have an ID on the drowning victim,” Lucia said, opening her notebook to check something before fixing her gaze on Cody. “Claudia Sykes.”

Cody frowned, still foggy from the nap. “Sounds familiar, but I don’t know why.” He looked at Demmy. “Do you know her?”

“No, I don’t.” He looked at Lucia. “Who was she?”