Page 19 of Wet Screams

“Oh my Lord and all of Snow White’s dwarves, I did not just hear you say that.”

Cody stepped away from Demetrius and they both turned to where Jugs stood in the doorway, shaking his head.

“All right now,” Cody said.

Jugs looked at Demetrius with more than a little pity. “Tell me a line like that didn’t get you to fall for him.”

Demetrius smiled at Cody and ran a hand up and down his back. “No. I think it was something along the lines of, ‘Watch this,’ back when we were teenagers.”

Cody smirked. “Which time?”

“Every time.”

Cody leaned down to give him a kiss and Jugs blew out a heavy breath.

“I can’t decide if the two of you are an inspiration or a cautionary tale.”

“Depends on the day,” Cody said.

“That’s true,” Demetrius said with a laugh, then looked at Jugs. “Was that call about a job?”

“It was. Cat stuck in a tree.”

Cody sighed. “Doesn’t the fire department handle stuff like that?”

“The caller said the fire department referred her to us.”

Cody looked at Demetrius and they said together, “Lucia.”

The phones rang again, and Demetrius picked up his coffee mug. “I’ll answer that if you guys want to head out to rescue the cat.”

“You sure?” Cody said.

“Yeah. If this is too big a job, I’ll schedule it for this afternoon when two of us can go.”

“All right.” Cody smiled at Jugs. “The Critter Couple rides again.”

Jugs gave him a sour look and stepped aside to allow Demetrius to get through the door. As he hurried to his desk to grab the ringing phone, Demetrius heard Jugs say to Cody, “Don’t ever call us that again.”

The new call was for a bunch of pigeons that had roosted in a man’s attic. Cody must have heard Demetrius say, “Pigeons, as in more than one?” because he paused at the door to look back.

“Text me the address,” Cody said. “Jugs and I will go there after we save the cat.”

Demetrius nodded and waved as Cody stepped out the door.

Once he’d texted the address with the pigeons to Cody, Demetrius did some work on the computer. His legs were starting to ache from the workout, and he really needed some more water.

The phones rang before he could get up, and he answered, grateful for the multiple calls that morning despite the attempts by the Wolek family to put them out of business. This caller was a young man who sounded more than a little stoned.

“Hey, you’re the critter catching dudes?”

“Yep, we’re the dudes. Do you have a critter problem?”

“Dude, there’s, like, a million chipmunks living in my hall closet.”

Demetrius barely held back a laugh. “A million, huh? Well, I can come out in about an hour and catch them.”

“That would be, like, so cool. I’m trying to, like, you know, build this awesome level on a new game and all their scratching and stuff is breaking my focus.”