Page 18 of Wet Screams

Demetrius high-fived him, having been instructed by Cody to never leave a guy hanging, no matter who it was. “Thanks.”

“Got a lot of critters to catch today?”

“A few. Could use some more.”

“I hear that.”

Demetrius wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, and decided not to ask. Jordie shifted his bright blue eyes to look at someone over Demetrius’s left shoulder, lifting his chin in greeting. “Good effort today, Hannah. Next time we’ll work on getting you to jump up and land on top of the box instead of falling over it.”

Hannah nodded without saying a word, her long, curly, blond hair still damp from her shower, and her heavy workout bag practically pulling her right shoulder out of its socket. She pushed out the door, letting a breath of humid air in after her.

“That girl is a mess,” Jordie said, shaking his head.

“She’s giving it her all,” Demetrius said. “She’ll get there.”

He waved, quickly lowering his hand in case Jordie thought he was looking for another high five, then pushed outside. The air was still and damp, and by the time he’d walked the length of the strip mall and tossed his workout bag in the cab of his truck, his shirt was sticking to his back. Dear God, he really hoped they didn’t have to crawl around inside anyone’s attic today.

Cody and Jugs were in the middle of a heated discussion about some NFL players being traded, and Demetrius walked between them with a wave. Cody grabbed his hand for a quick squeeze as he continued to talk to Jugs. Demetrius entered the break room and poured himself a cup of coffee, then stood with his eyes closed as he slowly moved his head side to side, stretching his neck and shoulder muscles.

“Jordie tough on you today?”

Demetrius opened his eyes to see Cody leaning in the doorway, arms folded, one leg crossed at his shin with the toe of his boot on the floor. Sporting three or four days of scruff and in need of a haircut, Cody looked rugged and sexy, and Demetrius felt that familiar rush of attraction.

“Jordie and the salt from dinner last night.”

“Jugs was complaining about that, too.”

“I wasn’t complaining,” Jugs shouted from the main room. “I was stating a fact. Amelia is a saint and a great cook. Ham is a delicious but salty feast.”

Demetrius laughed as Cody grinned.

“How’d Hannah do?” Cody asked.

“The usual. I can’t believe she does that five days in a row.”

“Maybe she likes the abuse.”

Demetrius shrugged and sipped his coffee. “Everybody’s got their something.”

Cody approached and leaned down for a soft kiss. “Yep. And you’re mine.”

“Yeah? I like that.”

“Me, too.”

The phones rang in the other room, and Demetrius heard Jugs answer.

“Maybe it’s another python,” Demetrius said.

“If it is, the answer is no.” Cody shuddered and shook out his arm. “I can still feel that thing squeezing me.”

Demetrius set his coffee down and moved in for a hug. “Like this?”

Cody chuckled and wrapped his big arms around Demetrius. “No, more like this.” He tightened his hold, and Demetrius let out a quiet grunt.

“Okay,” he said, sounding more than a little strained. “Point taken.”

Cody relaxed his grip, but kept his arms around Demetrius and pulled him in closer, pressing the bulge in his shorts against Demetrius’s hip. “Feel like making a trip home to wrangle my python?”