Page 5 of Wet Screams

An adorable blush tinted Demmy’s cheeks as he looked along the bank of the pond. “I really do. I just don’t want to get caught.”

“But getting caught is part of the fun.”

“Maybe for you.” Demmy waved a hand up and down in front of him. “You look like that. All tall and beefy and handsome.”

“Hey.” Cody tugged him in close and, despite how dirty and overheated he still felt, gave him a strong hug. “You’re the most handsome, sexy, generous, caring man I know. And you’re my husband, so I should definitely know these things.”

“Yeah, all right.” Demmy squeezed him in return, then pulled back and smiled. It was full of excitement and mischief, and Cody knew he’d remember that moment forever because Demmy rarely looked this excited. At least, not without mention of a monster in their midst. “So, do we just strip right here?”

“I don’t see any changing rooms.”

After he delivered a gentle—and well-deserved—smack on Cody’s arm, Demmy turned away and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Cody’s heart pounded as he sat on a rock to untie the laces of his boots. Even after all the years of friendship first, then romance, Demmy kept revealing new layers to him. And Cody would never be able to get his fill of revelations.

In short time, they were naked, Demmy holding his hands cupped over his crotch and grinning as he scanned the banks again. Cody looked him up and down, managing to keep his eyes from lingering too long on the scar where his neck and left shoulder met, or on the puckered marks on his right side, all courtesy of that fucker Nicolae. In contrast, Cody stood fully revealed, arms at his sides, years of locker room exposure long ago dispelling any shyness about his body. When Demmy brought his gaze back to him and his eyes widened, Cody’s cock twitched. Nice to see he could still turn his husband on a few years into their marriage.

“Come on.” Cody held out a hand. “No one’s around.”

Demmy laughed and blushed but removed his hands, revealing a semi that really got Cody going. He took Demmy’s hand, and they stepped over the raised grassy mound of the bank into the clear water. It was deliciously icy and made them both gasp then laugh. Gooseflesh ran up Cody’s arms and across his shoulders.

“Shit, it’s cold,” Demmy said, still laughing. “No wonder no one swims out here anymore.”

“Faster we get in, the easier it will be.”

“I can’t imagine putting my head under. I think my skull might crack.”

“It’s easy.” Cody smiled, turned his back to the pond, extended his arms to either side, and let himself fall backward. Frigid water engulfed him, feeling like tiny icy teeth biting him all over. His ass bumped the slick grit of the bottom, and then he got his feet under him and pushed up to break the surface, feeling mud between his toes. He broke the surface with a shout, and Demmy’s laughter followed it through the trees around them.

“Feels good,” Cody said, managing to keep his teeth from chattering. “But, you know, there is some shrinkage going on.” They both looked down and laughed, then Cody turned his back to Demmy and dove into the water, coming up a short distance away and swimming toward the middle with a lazy freestyle stroke.

A splash behind made him stop and turn, treading water as he took in the ripples expanding out from where Demmy had been standing.

“Demmy?” Cody turned in place, looking all around. “Demmy?”

A hand reached around to tug his dick, startling a shout out of him. He turned as Demmy came up in front of him.

“Roman was right,” Cody said, pulling him in close for a kiss as they both kicked to stay afloat. “There are things in here that will go right for your dick.”

“And your asshole.” Demmy slid his hands down Cody’s back and squeezed his buttocks.

“We’re supposed to be getting clean in here,” Cody said, kissing him again. “But you’re making me feel very, very dirty.”

Demmy gripped Cody’s dick which had bravely fought through its cold water-activated shrinking and was now hardening. “That makes two of us.”

Cody kissed him a third time, then turned him around so Demmy’s back was against his chest. Cody leaned back, taking Demmy with him, and kept one arm across Demmy’s chest as he used the other arm and his legs to float. Demmy’s cock, coming back around as well, stuck up from the water like a periscope, and Cody slid his hand lower to stroke him.

“Oh, Cody,” Demmy said with a sigh and a shiver. “That feels good.”

“Yeah?” Cody stroked faster. “How about that?”

“Even better.”

His hand moved fast, splashing a bit as he worked Demmy’s dick and kept them both above the surface. It was definitely a workout, and something he wouldn’t be able to maintain for long, so he focused on all the spots he’d come to know so well. He loved exploring Demmy’s body. After decades of friendship, it amazed him to find more nuances to learn about the most important person in his life.

“I’m close,” Demmy whispered. His head lay against Cody’s shoulder, and Cody pressed his lips to Demmy’s temple as he worked his hand up and down his cock.

The familiar hitch in Demmy’s breathing made Cody’s own dick jerk, despite the ice bath they floated in.

“Oh,” Demmy said, tightening his grip on Cody’s forearm.