Page 110 of Always Bayou

“That’s where we need to go to get this annulled.”

Owens face fell. “You’re getting it annulled?”

Beau nodded. “Yes. Before we get on the plane.”

Ellie crossed her arms. “You’re sure that’s what you want?” She wasn’t looking at Beau. Her gaze was on Becca.

Becca thought about the question. Her first reaction was, no, it wasn’t what she wanted. But then she looked at Beau. Her husband. Her best friend.

If this was what he wanted, then it was what she wanted. She didn’t want him to feel trapped or tricked. She wanted him to choose this. If she had toconvincehim that she wanted to be with him, she would. If it took time, fine. She had to show him that whathewanted, what he needed, mattered too and that she would give that to him, the way he always gave her what she wanted and needed.

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah, it’s what we should do.”

“And this is now over,” Beau said. “All of it. The matchmaking, the contest, everything. It’s over.”

Becca felt her stomach knot, but she forced herself to keep breathing.

Ellie looked back and forth between them. Then she nodded. “You want someone to go downtown with you?”

They both nodded. “Yeah.”

Becca was pretty sure Beau thought that with Ellie and Owen there, Becca wouldn’t throw a fit or start sobbing uncontrollably or something. Though he had to know that Ellie and Owen would be Team Becca at this point. Maybe he thought they’d keep him from saying anything mean or harsh. Whatever his reason, Becca wanted them along because Owen and Ellie would make it all less awkward and tense.

Becca was in love with this man. But wow, he drove her crazy.


It was Monday.The worst fucking Monday of his life. And that was saying a lot.

Beau sat at the end of Ellie’s bar, nursing a beer and a bowl of gumbo.

Everyone was steering clear of him. He appreciated it, but he’d done his damned best to make sure that they did. Scowling and growling had a way of doing that.

Except of course for Ellie. It was extremely hard, if not impossible, to intimidate Ellie Landry.

She set a glass of water in front of him and then rubbed at a nonexistent spot on the bar with a towel.

“You mad at me?” he asked. If she was going to lecture him or yell at him, he wanted to get it over with.

She looked at him. It was the first time he’d addressed her since he walked through the door. She’d simply looked at him, then set his favorite beer and a bowl of gumbo in front of him without a word exchanged.

“Not exactly,” she said. “I’m just trying to figure something out.”

“How I can possibly think I can live without her, how I could possibly let her go, how I’m not absolutely ecstatic to be married to the woman of my dreams,” Beau guessed.

Ellie shook her head. “No. I’m trying to figure out why you think that Autre doesn’t deserve Becca.”

Beau’s eyebrows rose. Then pulled together. “What?”

“I love this town. And I thought you did too.”

“You know that I do.”

“Then why do you not want it to have one of the best teachers out there?”

Beau’s frown deepened. “That’s not what this is.”

Ellie crossed her arms and nodded. “You think that Autre isn’t good enough for her.”