Page 108 of Always Bayou

“You remember, don’t you?”

She closed her eyes. Obviously, he was reading her face. “Yeah. Maybe. Some of it.”

All of it now. She remembered saying that she’d been ready for over a year to marry Beau. She also remembered turning to Beau, taking his hands in hers, and proposing.

Marry me, Beau. Please. I love you. I want you.

You’re definitely the marrying type, Becca.

I am. But if it’s not you, it will never be anyone. You’re the only one I want.

God… Her cheeks got even hotter.

He’d been really drunk. She’d known it at that time. She now remembered thinking that that was the perfect moment to talk him into it.

I’ll do anything for you, Becca.

Then do this. Just say I do.

She’d been drunk too. If she’d been sober, she would have feltsomestab of conscience that would have kept her from using his vulnerable state against him. Probably. But she’d definitely been less drunk than he was.

She felt him grasp her chin.

“Open your eyes.”


“Becca, look at me.”

Finally, she did. She took a deep breath. “Sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“I… proposed to you. I talked you into getting married.”

He dropped his hand and sat staring at her. After several ticks of the clock. He finally asked, “Youdid?”

She nodded. “I thought it was all so spontaneous and romantic. And Luke and Bailey were so happy. I was jealous. And Iamin love with you. And they’ve been friends for a long time too, and fell in love, and Luke was so happy about getting married and all of that just made me so… jealous.” She took a deep breath. “So, yeah, when we were at the marriage bureau, I wanted to sign that license. And at the chapel, I was ready. And I proposed.”

Beau was staring at her as if he’d never seen her. “How the fuck do I not remember this?”

“I can help with that,” Josh said, from two seats down.

Beau looked at him. “What?”

“Jägermeister shots.”

Beau’s eyes slid shut. “Fuck.”

Jägermeister was one liquor that Beau didn’t handle well. It got him very drunk, very fast.

“Beau,” Becca said. Now it was her turn to cup his face. “Beau, look at me.”


But his eyes opened, and he shoved his chair back from the table. “I’m going back to the room.”

She knew he was going back to the room to find the marriage license. To prove to himself that it happened.