Page 107 of Always Bayou

“I knew that we needed something official to prove that you two were back together and thatIwas there when it happened so I could get that trophy and my Corny Muffins on the menu.”

“No,” Ellie cut in.

Owen ignored his grandmother. “Nothing more official than a piece paper from the government that says something’s true.”

“We have amarriage certificate?” Beau said.

Owen nodded. “And a couple of rings, and some cheesy photographs, and a bouquet of fake flowers somewhere.”

Beau leaned in even further. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Owen frowned. Then he leaned in too, studying Beau’s face. “Are you shitting me?”

“Talk,” Beau said shortly.

“You seriously don’t remember?” Owen asked. He looked around the table. “It really happened.”

“It did,” Maddie said. “I was there.”

“We can go ask Luke and Bailey and Sabrina and Marc too,” Owen said, clearly offended that people were questioning his honesty.

Flickers of memories were tripping through Becca’s mind now. She remembered a wedding. But it felt like it was someoneelse’swedding. Like she’d been there as a guest.

Like…Luke and Bailey.

Becca sat up straighter. Yes, that was it. “I remember that we went to the wedding chapel. And down to the marriage license bureau beforehand.” A piece of the puzzle slipped into place. “But we were there for Luke and Bailey.”

Luke and Bailey were from Bad. They were friends of Sabrina and Marc Sterling.

“Yes, Luke and Bailey and Sabrina and Marc were at the blackjack table. You and Beau and me and Maddie were there too, watching them. Luke was on a roll,” Owen said. “Luke told Bailey that if he won the next hand, it was fate’s sign they should get married. She agreed. He won so they decided to do it that night, right then and there.”

Becca suddenly remembered Luke’s huge grin and the way he turned to Bailey and kissed her and then threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of the casino to hail a cab right that very minute.

It had been so romantic. He’d been so clearly thrilled. Becca had been thrilled for them.

And jealous. Really jealous.

Owen continued. “We all decided to go down to the marriage bureau with them. And I, um…” He shifted on his chair. “I filled out a license for you while we were there and talked you into signing it.”

More memories rushed through Becca’s mind at that. In vivid technicolor.

She remembered the license bureau building clearly. She remembered feeling jealous of Luke and Bailey. She remembered Owen suggesting they sign a certificate too. She also remembered really liking the idea.

Owen grinned, clearly not apologetic. “Then we went back to the chapel. They needed witnesses, so we all filled in. But after their wedding was over, the guy asked if you two were ready. Becca said, “I’ve been ready for over a year,” and the guy married you.”

Becca felt her cheeks flush. Yeah, that sounded very believable actually.

She turned to look at Beau.

“You’re fucking with us,” Beau decided. He sat back in his chair. “We got drunk, and now you’re fucking with us.”

Owen shook his head. “Come on, man. How long would it take you to figure that out? No way. There’s a piece of paper somewhere up in your hotel room saying that you and Becca are married. It’s official. You are about as back together as you could possibly be.”

Becca pressed her lips together and focused on her fork.

“Becca?” Beau said, his voice low and firm.
