Page 102 of Always Bayou

She padded toward him, stopping about a foot away. She was clutching the towel between her breasts. “No, I’m glad you told me. I kind of woke up thinking maybe it was a dream.”

“Not a dream,” he said, his voice rough. “It happened.”

She gave him a sexy little smile. “Yeah. I know. I don’t remember absolutely everything about it either. It must’ve been the middle of the night. It was pitch black. You woke me up.”

He winced. “Sorry about that too.”

She laughed lightly. “Don’t be. I wasnotupset.”

“So, you were good? I made sure you were?”

“It was completely consensual,” she told him. “No regrets.”

He took a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay, great.”

She stood just looking at him for a long moment. “So now what?”

He studied her as he thought about her question seriously. Then he asked himself if his answer would be the same if she was fully clothed. When he realized it would be, he said confidently, “I’m torn between three options.”

She lifted both brows. “I’m listening.”

“Option number one, we pretend nothing happened and we go about things as if everything was the same as before.”

She just nodded her understanding.

“Option number two, we try this dating thing. You go to Houma to work, but we try it. I mean, worst-case scenario, it doesn’t work, and I’m as torn up about it as I will be if we don’t try.”

She looked mildly surprised by that. But she nodded again.

“Third option, we don’t talk about any of that. And I strip you out of that towel and bring you back to bed and make sure we both remember absolutely everything about this time.”

She took a big step forward. “Can we do a combo of option two and three?”

Beau accepted his fate and nodded. “Yeah, I think we can do a combo.”

She dropped her towel and took another big step. Beau drank in the sight of her, then his hands settled on her hips and he tugged her between his knees. “Just one thing.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. “Anything.”

“Can I get some ibuprofen and maybe a toothbrush first?”

She laughed. “Probably a good idea.”

When Beau headed back into the bedroom after downing the pain killers, splashing water on his face, and brushing his teeth, he found Becca propped up on the pillows in the middle of the bed, completely gloriously naked.

He would never get enough of this woman. She would always be his ultimate fantasy.

But it wasn't just her body. It was the smile she gave him. It was full of sexy mischief, want, playfulness, and love.

No one would ever make him feel like this again. And he intended to make this everything she needed as well.

He climbed up next to her and lay on his back. “Come here.”

He knew what she liked. He knew how to turn her on, he knew that she liked being bossed around in bed. He knew that she liked it when he got dirty and a little rough. And he was going to do all of that. In spite of his soft, sweet feelings for her, he was going to give her exactly what she wanted.

She rolled toward him, putting her hand on his chest. She trailed her fingers back and forth, moving down his abs toward his cock.

“Stroke me.”