Page 69 of Always Bayou

No, that wasn’t true. He did care about the kids. He was eternally grateful to Mr. Taggart for seeing that not only was Beau a natural with tools, but he had an artist’s eye.

The ‘tech and trade’ program in Autre was a partnership with other schools and a community college in New Orleans that allowed students to explore things like engine repair, construction, welding, electrical work, and plumbing, along with computer skills and other vocational tracks. Beau had hated the traditional classes like history and English but had loved the tech and trade classes.

He was sure the same was true for a lot of the students who enjoyed and excelled in the music, art, and drama classes. And sure, they could still go to class as things stood, but didn’t they deserve to show off those skills as much as the football players did?

Of course they did.

But mostly he cared about Becca.

He stroked his hand up and down the bare skin of her back and loved the little shiver that went through her. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “What can I do?”

“You can keep doing that,” she said, her voice soft as well.

He smiled slightly and ran his hand over her back again.

“Hmm.” Her sigh was contented.

“Excuse me.”

They were interrupted by a man in a navy-blue suit. He was wearing glasses, had perfectly styled hair, and a deep frown.

Becca pulled back and Beau had to resist the urge to tug her back up against him. Tightly.

“Yes?” he asked the man, giving him a frown in return.

“You have your hand on my date’s ass,” the guy said.

Ah,thiswas Paul. The creep.

“Paul, this is—” Becca started.

“Herboyfriend,” Beau interjected. “So, you’re not excused.”

“Her boyfriend?” Paul repeated, looking at Becca.

“We’ve been…on a break,” she said weakly.

Beau snorted. A two-year breakup but sure, “a break” would work.

“It was a misunderstanding,” Beau said smoothly. “When I said I was working tonight, I sure as fuck didn’t mean that she should bring someone else to this thing.” He pulled Becca up against his side, very purposefully keeping his hand on her ass. Not that he minded.

“I see.” Paul’s eyes narrowed, then he looked at Becca. “She didn’t mention you. Maybe she wasn’t as upset about you not being here as you think.”

Beau wondered if Savannah and Toby had informed Paul that he was supposed to come with Becca to make Beau jealous. It would be nice to know if Paul was in on the set-up and was acting or not, because the way he was looking at Becca right now seemed concerned and a little protective and Beau didnotlike that.

No one needed to be protective of Becca. She hadhim.

Does she? Thought you were just friends.

Friends could absolutely be protective. He wanted to know everything about her and help her through anything she went through. He hated the idea that she was having trouble with Toby and with her dad. He wanted to make all of that right. He had every intention of talking to both men and doing what he could to smooth things over.

And she sure as hell didn’t need protectingfromBeau.

Paul could fuck off.

“She wasn’t upset about me not being here, because she knew all she had to do was call and I’d be here in a heartbeat.”

That was true enough.