Page 41 of Always Bayou

“Well, I figure your mom’s bed and breakfast isn’t abadplace to die,” she said.

He located her standing in the center of the floor, her head covered with the lacy white tablecloth. It dropped nearly to the floor and, for a second, reminded him of a bridal veil.

“You’re not gonna die,” he told her, crossing to her.

He knew exactly what she was talking about. She’d seen a spider and was having a panic attack. He glanced around. Orseveralspiders. There were cobwebs everywhere.

“If I was going to haunt somewhere, I think I’d pick this place,” she went on as if he hadn’t just reassured her that her death wasnotimminent. “For one, it always smells great. Even way up here. And I can’t imagine there are any nasty ghosts here. I mean, no one’s been murdered here. There haven’t been any suspicious deaths here. Sure, the house has been here for alongtime, but we would have definitely heard the story if something weird had happened here. So, at best, I figure there are some other just regular ghosts. Maybe even some friendly ones. I could learn some history while I drift around.”

“Bec,” Beau said, fighting a smile as he took her upper arms in his hands and gave her a little squeeze. “Nobody’s dying here today.”

“And hey, if I’m stuck here for eternity, I’d still get to see a ton of people I really love. I mean, yeah, strangers stay here, but your mom is related to a lot of the town and knows everyone I know, so they’ll be in and out, stopping by. My mom will come over sometimes and I’ll be able to see her even if I can’t talk to her. And they’ll gossip in the front hall, or I can listen in on your mom and Hannah and Crystal talking in the kitchen and keep up with all the news from town.”

Yeah, she’d been stuck up here thinking for a while. Beau shook his head. “Where is it?”

“Do you think I’ll be able to leave the attic? I mean, are ghosts stuck to the exact room where they die? ‘Cuz I won’t be able to hear the gossip from the kitchen up here.”

Beau put a finger under her chin and tipped her face so she was looking up at him. He waited until she really focused on him. “Where is it?”


“The spider.”

Her eyes widened and her voice dropped to a whisper. “Everywhere.”

He wouldnotsmile. But this woman was confident and sassy except in two instances: Spiders. And when she was naked with him.

Beau felt heat pump through his bloodstream, and he cleared his throat. This wasnotthe time to be reminded that Becca Bollier had been a virgin and thathe’dbeen the one to teach her…fuck, so much.

He dropped his hand and stepped back. Dammit. These memories and feelings snuck up on him all the damned time and he hated it.

“Okay, let me get you out of here,” he said. He took her hand and started for the steps.

“I haven’t found the tablecloth yet,” she said, tugging on his hand to stop him.

He looked back, his gaze going to the tablecloth she was wearing. “No?”

“I grabbed this so they wouldn’t get in my hair.” She gave a full-body shudder. “But this isn’t the one she wanted.”

“Okay.” He blew out a breath. “So, where have you looked?”

“That trunk.” She pointed to the left. “And that box.” She gestured toward the box next to it.

“And it’s not in there?”

“No idea. Remy is in there.” Again she pointed at the trunk, then at the box. “And Damon is in there.”

Beau opened his mouth, then shut it. “You named the spiders?”

“I always name spiders.”

“After people you don’t like.” He knew Remy and had heard stories about Damon.

She hugged her arms around her body. “Well, people I never want to see again anyway.”

“Got it.” He sighed. “I have to dig through the trunk and box, Bec.”

“What if Remy bites you?”