Page 95 of Green Light

Thank fuck, Dylan and Rhys had been there to get the NDAs signed. Any leaked footage would have bordered on pornographic.

It niggled in the back of my mind that to the staff here at least, we were confirming we were together. I didn’t have a problem with that…and from what he’d said in the recording studio, I didn’t think Kai would either.

But he’d made it clear he hadn’t enjoyed our onstage antics. The last thing I wanted was to put him in a similar position.

Needless to say, we didn’t escape in time. Not that either of us really cared. We’d joked together. Laughed. Flirted. Kissed.

Like I’d told Kai, it was the same as it had always been…just with lots of fun extras.

Both our guards accompanied us to Mango. With us doing little to hide our relationship, we thought it best to bring them both along. We invited them to join us, but they declined, opting to sit at the bar.

The pretty woman behind said bar had no impact on their decision, I was sure.

I was grateful it was just Kai and me. We’d been coming to this restaurant since we were twenty, before the band took off. The only difference in coming now was that they sat us in a quiet corner, tucked behind a decorative screen.

It was a considerate touch. Most restaurants liked to seat us as though we were on display. Using us as an advertisement to draw others in.

But the owners here never did that. As a result, not only did we come here often, but we hyped it on our socials as often as possible.

Being kind and considerate works, people.

We were on dessert when Dylan approached our table, Rhys hot on his heels.

“What’s wrong?” I said immediately, noting Dylan’s ashen face.

“It’s my sister.” He swallowed hard. “She’s been in a car accident.”

“Oh my god.” I jumped up, my hand gripping his arm. “Is she okay? What can we do?”

“She’s been taken to Southampton General.” His voice shook. “I need to get over there, but…”

“Go,” Kai said firmly, standing too. “You need to go now.”

Dylan nodded, tears falling down his cheeks. “I’m sorry to leave you.”

I exchanged a glance with Kai. “Dylan, I’m not sure you’re in a fit state to drive.”

“I’ll drive him,” Rhys said gruffly. From the tense way he watched him, I doubted he’d leave his side until they had news.

“We can’t both leave,” Dylan said helplessly. “They need a protection detail.”

Kai and I rolled our eyes in unison. “Yes, you can. We’re grown-ass men. It’s not like we’re on tour or there are screaming hordes of fans outside. Besides, we’ve almost finished here. Our car is outside.”

“We’ll be fine,” Kai added. “Go. And if you need anything,anything, just call.”

Dylan nodded numbly, but I wasn’t sure he even heard. He was lost in thought, his body crumpling inwards as he walked towards the door.

“Text when you’re home,” Rhys barked over his shoulder as he raced after the other man. “Dyl, wait up!”

A hollow silence followed in their wake as we slipped back into our seats. “Oh my god.”

“I know,” Kai said grimly, reaching across the table to grab my hand. “I just keep thinking, what if that was Ruby? Or Mia?”

“Same.” They weren’t related to me by blood, but they were my sisters nonetheless. “Fuck, I hope she’s okay. We need to offer to pay for private treatment if it’s needed.”

“Of course we will,” Kai said as he tapped on his phone with his spare hand. “I’ve already let Betty know. She’ll be in touch with Dylan tomorrow to offer whatever he needs.”

“Good.” To be fair, Southampton General was one of the top trauma centres in the country. She was in the best place possible. But if she needed further treatment or recovery, we could make sure that happened somewhere nicer than the standard NHS hospital.