Page 52 of Green Light

Fuck. This space was tight.

Kai’s mouth was only inches from mine. He suddenly felt much bigger than me, his breath rasping as his gaze dropped to my lips.

I’d spent years grinding my body against Kai’s in front of millions of fans and thought nothing of it. But this felt so much more intimate. Our bodies weren’t even touching, yet my cock was growing stiff just being in his proximity.

The game was forgotten as we waited for one of us to take that step. To cross the line into something new. Something different.


“Si.” He breathed the word, half a plea, half a curse.

I tilted my head, holding my breath as I waited. This was it. I wasn’t dreaming or fantasising.

This was really happening.

“Players, you have one minute remaining.”

We jumped apart as the outside world crashed in. Kai’s eyes were wide with horror as he stumbled away and out of the small space.

Running away. Just like he had the first time.

An alarm began to shriek, warning us that the end of the world was imminent.

I felt numb as I stared at the red cable in my hands. I could plug it in and win the game. Kai and I would go back to being friends, and no doubt it’d never be mentioned again.

Or I could sayfuck it alland let the world burn.

And pray we’d still be standing at the end of it.

I continued to stare at the cable, counting out the final seconds in my head.

When it was over, I joined Kai in the main room, hands shoved deep in my pockets. He was leaning against the desk, his arms folded over his chest and his head bowed. Everything about his posture screamed that he didn’t want to talk about what had happened.

So we stood in silence until the game master entered. He frowned at us both, scratching his head. “You were so close. What happened?”

Wasn’t that the question of the hour?

Overthenextfewweeks, Kai and I slipped into some warped version of the friendship we’d once shared.

I had no idea what was going on inside Kai’s head…and I hated it. Did he want us to just be friends? The way he acted suggested yes, but I couldn’t forget the near kiss in the escape room.

As usual, Kai hadn’t mentioned it. Any time the subject came close, he changed it.

It was driving me fucking insane. I wanted to grab him by the collar and insist he told me what he wanted. What was going on in his head.

I couldn’t do it though. I wasn’t that selfish. I couldn’t bear the thought that I might’ve inadvertently hurt Kai in the past…I wasn’t about to force him to talk when he wasn’t ready.

No, I wasn’t going to force him to talk…but I was going to try and force his hand in other ways. I hadn’t missed the way Kai watched me whenever he thought I wasn’t looking.

For someone who had a boyfriend, he sure was interested in checking out my arse.

Just yesterday, I’d waltzed out of his shower in the skimpiest towel I could find, and Kai had full-on choked on his coffee. I swear I caught a glimpse of a bulge in his shorts before he hastily turned away.

Okay, maybe I was stepping over several boundaries, trying to get a rise out of Kai this way. But we’d never been good at respecting those.

So until he told me otherwise, I fully intended on encroaching on his space as often as possible. I was still pissed at him for ghosting me, but that wasn’t what was important.

Making sure Kai would stay a part of my life was.