Page 90 of Green Light

“Keep touching yourself,” he rasped, slamming his hips upwards. “I’d do it for you, but I don’t want to drop you.”

I kissed him. It was fast but filthy. “You can touch me next time.”

His rhythm faltered as vulnerability flickered in his eyes. “Promise?”

I knew what he was really asking.

“This isn’t a one-time thing.” I cupped his cheek. “This is it now. You and me.”

His smile was like a budding flower, cautiously sprouting before erupting into full bloom. “You and me.”

Kai held me tight as we both started the final race to the finish. My legs were around his waist, my heels digging into his rear. I didn’t need to worry about him dropping me. I think I was more concerned about how sturdy the walls were. With the rate we were going, there was a danger of Kai putting me through it.

Thank fuck it was a soundproof room. I was making noises I hadn’t even known were possible. Whimpering, begging, pleading moans. Begging Kai to take me. Harder. Faster.

“I got you, baby,” he whispered, slamming into me. “Come for me, Si. Come all over me.”

It was like my body had been waiting for his command. A hollow cry ripped from my throat as pleasure scorched through me. Hot cum spilt over my hand, splattering up Kai’s chest.

Kai was only two thrusts behind me, burying himself deep with a shout. His lips rested against my neck, his whole body shaking.

A small sob broke from him.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hugging him fiercely as Kai let go of two decades of longing.

“It’s okay, Kai. I’ve got you. I’m here. I love you, and I’m here.”

Chapter twenty-four


Ihadimaginedmyfirst time being inside Silas more times than I could count.

Not one of those imaginings ended with me sobbing on his shoulder. His whispered declaration of love only made me cry harder.

Fortunately, my outburst of emotion didn’t seem to throw Silas off. No, if anything, he seemed to understand. This hadn’t just been sex. Not for me.

It was the realisation of years of dreaming.

And he loved me. He didn’t just have feelings for me. Helovedme.

Half an hour later, we were sprawled against the wall of the booth. We’d cleaned up the best we could. Arlo had thoughtfully included a pack of baby wipes, which made the whole process much easier.

We didn’t give our drummer enough credit. Arlo might seem like he wasn’t always present, but I was starting to think he saw a lot more than we’d ever suspected.

Silas’s head was leaning on my shoulder as he munched through a share-size bag of Haribo. Not that he wassharingit. He’d always been tight with his sweets…I wasn’t suffering under the illusion that our being together would change that.

Even his positioning slumped against me was familiar. We’d ended many a recording session with him collapsed against me like this. Both of us exhausted, on the floor together, while Arlo and Luca continued to hammer out a stubborn part of a song.

But now I didn’t have to keep my hands still. They were free to run up and down Silas’s arm. To pull his legs over mine. To toy with his hair.

Silas finished off the last of the sweets, carefully discarding the packet back in the bag. “I have a question.”

“Only one?”

He smirked up at me. “For now.”

I kissed his smirk away. Just because I could. “What do you want to know?”