Page 77 of Green Light

He’d slid into Tristan’s Uber, the driver taking off quickly.

I dropped to my knees, the bite of the gravel barely registering against the pain of watching Silas leave me.

“I’m so sorry,” Tristan said, coming up behind me. “I’ve fucked everything up. Again.”

“No, this is on me.” It always had been. I’d made a chain of endless mistakes where Silas was concerned.

“You can’t let him get away.”

“I’m not going to.” Of the two of us, I was the one who needed space when things got hard. Not Si. If he had space, he ended up in a tailspin where he couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I needed to get him to listen to me, and soon.

I got to my feet as a plan slowly started to form in my mind. Silas couldn’t hide from me for long. We had studio time booked in for this afternoon.

If I could get Arlo and Luca to help me…

I bade Tristan goodbye, reassuring him again that this wasn’t his fault, and left him outside to wait for another Uber.

I hadn’t made it further than the hallway before I collided with Ruby. “Oof, sorry.”

“That’s okay,” she said with a yawn. “My fault. Haven’t had any tea yet and…wait, why are you coming in from outside?”

I tried to stop from wincing but wasn’t fast enough for Ruby’s shrewd attention. “Malakai James Parker. What’ve you done? Where’s Silas?”

“He’s left.”

Her hands went to her hips, and I knew I was in trouble. She might be thirteen years younger and a whole foot shorter, but that haughty nurse look had me quaking in my shoes.

Well, my metaphorical ones, anyway. I’d been so desperate to stop Silas that I’d run outside barefoot.

“What did you do?” she seethed. “Tell me you didn’t make him leave.”

“I fucked up.” Then I told her the same thing I’d told Dad and Tristan. “I’m going to fix it.”

My new mantra, apparently.

“You better,” she said warningly. “I love youbothlike my brothers. I’m not losing either of you, so get it sorted.”

I dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to let that happen.”

I jogged up the stairs, refusing to look at the door to Silas’s room as I passed it.

I refused to accept that last night would be the only one we shared. I’d fucked up, but I was going to fix it.

I was going to fix it.

Storming into the room Tristan had slept in, I grabbed my phone. For a second, I debated calling Silas and trying to get him to listen over the phone.

Then I remembered the look on his face as he told me to sort my shit out. Yeah, this wasn’t a conversation we could have over the phone.

Instead, I hit Arlo’s number. It took a few rings before his sleep-addled voice came on the line.

“Arlo? I need your help.”

Chapter twenty-one


Inalltheyearsof friendship I’d shared with Kai, I didn’t think I’d ever been this angry with him.