Page 76 of Green Light

Tristan pulled out of my arms and began to fiddle with one of his rings. “No, of course not.”

I’d known him long enough to know his tells. “Tristan…”

“It’s fine,” he said hastily. “This was never meant to be a permanent solution…just something to give me a bit of breathing space.”

“I wish you’d tell me what’s going on.”

He slumped against the wall. “It’s…complicated. I want to, but…”

“I get it.” Life was a chaotic and convoluted mess at the best of times. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No.” He smiled tightly. “Maybe just give me a heads-up before you and Si go public. It might give me time to get…plans in place.”

“I can’t imagine we’ll be doing that for a while. The last thing we need right now is more press attention. We won’t hide it forever, though, so of course I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks, Kai.” His phone buzzed in his hand. “My ride is here. Let’s catch up when you’re next in the States.”

“Wait,” I blurted as an idea came to me. “What if we made another post? A coupley type one? Would that hold whoever is bothering you off for a bit longer?”

Tristan wavered. “I mean…yeah. It would help. But what would Silas think?”

“If Silas knew something was going on with you, he’d be the one suggesting it.” That I was confident about. Si would do anything to help someone out. Okay, he might not be Tristan’s biggest fan right now, but once I explained everything, that would change. “Trust me. Let’s take a photo now. I’ll fill Si in on everything and text you the go-ahead to post it.”

Tristan’s shoulders sagged like I’d lifted a weight off them. “I really should say no, but I’m not selfless enough. So, instead, I’ll just say thank you.”

I tucked him in against my side. It felt wrong to hold him like this, but Si would understand once I explained. I pressed my lips to his cheek, raising the phone to catch us both in the frame.

“Thanks,” Tristan said as I passed his phone back to him. “You’re the best boyfriend I could’ve asked for.”

“Anything for you, I’m ju—” My words were cut off as a door slammed behind me.

Fuck. No, no, no, no. Please don’t be Silas. Please don’t have seen and misunderstood.

I spun around, fear gripping my heart. Silas was already at the end of the hall, his shoulders taut and fists clenched at his sides.

“Si, wait! I can explain!”

I shot after him, but he was moving too fast.

It’s okay. He can’t leave. He’s not even dressed.

But he wasn’t letting that stop him.

I raced down the stairs after him as he swooped his shoes from the ground and yanked open the front door.

“Si, wait,” I begged, hurrying after him. “I can explain. It’s not what you think.”

He wheeled on me, hurt and anger sparking like kindling. Burning down the precious thing we’d been building between us. “Save it. I’m so fuckingtired,Kai.”

I froze as he stalked towards me. “This is the final time I’m going to say this. Sort your shit out. If it’s me you want, then have me. But I’m not going to be second best to anyone.”

A disbelieving laugh broke from me. How onearthcould Silas think he was second best?

“Glad you think I’m funny,” Silas spat bitterly, walking backwards. “Sometimes I think I don’t even know you.”

His words cut me to the bone. My vision blurred as I took a step forwards. “Si,please…”

But it was too late.