Page 68 of Green Light

He fixed me with a look so knowing I felt my cheeks heat. “Because Silas barelylookedat you all night. He might’ve put on a good show for everyone else, but you and I know he wasn’t himself tonight.”

It was my turn to grunt.

“You’ve been gone for Silas ever since that summer you both turned fifteen. Why haven’t you sorted stuff out yet?”

I sucked in a breath. “You knew? All this time?”

“Of course we did.” His gaze softened. “We might’ve had a lot going on back then, son. But your mother and I would’ve had to have been blind to have missed how you felt about him.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

He shrugged. “Figured you’d work it out between you. Especially once you started all those big displays on stage.”

I groaned. “Please, let’s pretend you never saw any of those.”

“Trust me, I wish I hadn’t. To be honest…we thought the two of you were together and just waiting to tell us. But…you never did.”

I shook my head. “No. It wasn’t like that. Well, it wasn’t like that for Si.”

“But it is now?”

“What makes you say that?”

“I saw the kiss,” he rumbled. “Think the whole world did. There’s no way that was platonic on either side.”

“Well, I thought it was.”

“Then you’re a fool.” That was Dad, always cutting to the heart of the matter. “Is that why you’ve got that actor with you?”

“It’s a long story.” And one I was not sharing with Dad. If he thought I was a fool for not realising how Si felt months ago, he’d tear a strip off me if he knew how I’d reacted. “I’m going to fix it.”

“You will,” he said confidently, striding to the door. “Because you’rebothpart of this family. So, one way or another, you need to get it sorted.”

I lingered in the garage for a little while longer, trying to process everything. It was like a clock had been counting down all my life, and now we were approaching zero hour. Suddenly, I was running out of time.

It might’ve taken us forever to get here, but I’d be damned if I was the one who’d fuck us up again.

Determined, I stalked to Silas’s bedroom and knocked on the door. Usually, I’d just barge in, but as much asIwas ready to have this conversation, I couldn’t expect Silas to be. Not with my family on the floor below.

Along with Tristan. God, I wished I’d sent him home earlier.

Silas’s expression was wary as he opened the door. My heart sank at the way he pulled it tight to his body, leaning against the jamb.

His message was clear. I wasn’t welcome in his room.

“What are you doing here?”

I swallowed hard, hating the way he was looking at me. The way I’dmadehim look at me. “Can we talk?”

He wavered, biting his lip as his hand twitched on the door.

Then footsteps echoed along the hall. “Kai? Which room should I…?”

Silas’s face hardened in an instant. “Wait, I can explain…”

It was no use. I stared at the door he’d slammed in my face and inhaled deeply.

“Fuck. I’m sorry, Kai. I didn’t realise you were talking to him.”