Page 62 of Green Light

I shook my head sadly, staring at the carpet. “No, he won’t. We had a massive fight, Rubes. I can’t go. I’m so sorry.”

Ruby sighed, rubbing her fingers against her temple. “Okay, stuff is starting to fall into place now.”

“What stuff?”

“Well, first, we have the stellar condition of your living environment.” She gestured widely like a game show host. “Plus, there’s the fact both you and Kai have been ignoring your phones.”

“He’s probably busy with Tristan,” I scuffed my toe against the carpet.Stupid, idiotic Tristan.

That wasn’t fair. Tristan seemed perfectly nice. All he’d done was realise what a catch Kai was and snapped him up.

I was the idiot for not doing the same approximately eighteen years ago.

“Doubtful. From what Louis said earlier, he found him sulking at home. Like you, he had to be reminded of the day, dragged out of a disgusting pit, and shoved into the shower.” She gave a delicate sniff. “After finding him in that state and you not answering your phone, Louis nominated me to check in on you. Have to say, I wasn’t expecting things to be as bad as this.”

God, that was so unlike Kai. Had I hurt him by telling him my feelings? I slumped against the doorframe. “Shit, Ruby. I’ve made such a mess of things.”

Tears burned at the back of my eyes, but I bit my lip to hold them back. Ruby was already deep in nurse mode. If she knew how broken I was, the fussing would accelerate to unprecedented levels.

There was no fooling Ruby. The next thing I knew, I was sat at my kitchen table, a steaming mug between my hands.

Ruby couldn't hide the worry in her eyes as she took the seat opposite me. Instead of tea, she held a fine-stemmed glass filled to the brim. “Pinot? It’s barely four p.m.”

Her withering look had me cowering. “I feel like I need it to get through this conversation. Besides, we’re getting an Uber. And don’t pretend you don’t keep this here just for me. We both know you hate wine.”


“Pretentious,” Ruby chimed in with me. “So you’ve said. Repeatedly. Now, start talking and talk fast. We’ve got a party to get to.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to remind her I wasn’t going, but I chickened out under the glare she levelled me with.

“I…I told Kai I have feelings for him.”

She choked on the sip of wine she’d just taken, hitting her chest to clear it. I shoved back my chair in alarm, but she waved me off. “I’m fine.”

I hovered uncertainly until I was sure she was okay.

“Sorry, that wasn’t what I was expecting you to say. Just to be clear, when you say feelings, you mean…?”

“I mean, I want to be with him. I want him to be my…boyfriend. Partner. Husband. Whatever the fuck you want to call it. Kai’s it for me.”

Ruby’s squeal was so loud that I worried for the glass she was holding. Before I could blink, she’d rounded the table and thrown her arms around my neck in a tight hug. “Oh, I’m so happy. This is the best news ever!”

“Rubes.” I gasped, pulling at her arms. “Can’t. Breathe.”

She dropped her arms hastily. “Oops, sorry. Got overexcited for a minute.”

She practically bounced back to her chair, her grin taking up her whole face. For a second, she looked so much like Kai that I couldn’t bear it. I let my gaze drop to the table, begging that numbness to take over again.

“Wait…” Ruby said slowly. “If you told Kai you have feelings for him, why did you argue? If anything, I should be here dragging youbothout of your bedroom because you were too busy fucking to remember the party.”

“Jesus, Ruby.” I rubbed my forehead. “I don’t need to hear you talking aboutsex.You’re like twelve.”

“I’m twenty-three, and I’ve probably had more sex than both of you combined.”

I clapped my hands over my ears. “La, la, la. Not listening.”

She leaned over and flicked me on the elbow. “Don’t make me get the spoon.”