Page 109 of Green Light

There were a few more shots, ones from award shows, performances, and galas. It was like the owners had found every highlight of our careers and decided to showcase them.

When we came to the final photo, I froze. It was the one I’d stared in Mexico. My birthday, Silas beside me as I prepared to blow out the candles.

That photo wasn’t public. How the hell had the owners got their hands on it?

“Ooh, look, this one’s crooked,” Silas exclaimed, indicating the birthday shot. Unlike me, he didn’t seem perturbed by it being here. “Wonder what will happen if we straighten it?”

“Silas, wait—”

But it was too late. Silas had levelled the frame. There was a click and a hidden door to our right opened.

“Aha!” Silas said triumphantly, throwing me an over-the-top wink. “After you, good sir.”

I put my hands on my hips. “What are you up to, Si?”

“Me? What makes you think I’m up to anything?”

“Tree number three, remember?”

He shoved my shoulder impatiently. “Just get in there, Kai.”

My amused grin slipped off my face as I stepped into the hidden room. It wasn’t big, probably six feet by nine.

Every inch of the walls was covered in photos of Silas and me. Tiny fairy lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating so many moments from our past.

Silas on my shoulders at Reading Festival, a fake plastic crown on his head.

Both of us in our school uniform, hunched over homework at my kitchen table.

Sat on the curb outside my childhood home, mud all over our knees and ice pops in our hands.

In the music studio at college, an extremely young Arlo in the background on the drums.

My family and Silas at Ruby’s graduation.

Silas and me dancing at Mia’s wedding.

Then there were the ones from all the places we’d travelled: Rome, Milan, Sydney, Bali.

It was our whole life in pictures.

Right in the centre were two that were bigger than the rest. I didn’t need to ask where these had been taken.

Both contained a little part of my soul.

The first was our kiss during the final show of our tour. The kiss that gave Silas a realisation he hadn’t expected…and sent me running halfway around the world.

The second was another kiss. This one was the LondonFM Autumn Festival, where we finally confirmed what our fans had suspected all along.

Two moments in time that had shaped us indefinitely.

“Silas, what is this…” My voice trailed off as I turned around.

To see the man I loved.

My best friend.

Down on one knee.