Page 100 of Green Light

“Kai’s right,” my dad said, clapping Silas on the back of his neck. “Even if Kai fucks up and lets you slip through his fingers, you’ll still be our son. You’ll still be expected to show up at Easter and Christmas…plus every other week to mow the grass.”

A tear slid down Silas’s cheek as he gave a choked laugh. “Please. If anyone is going to be fucking this up, it’ll be me.”

I highly doubted that, but this wasn’t really about me or even us. It was about Silas. About his need to belong.

“The same will still apply, even if that is the case,” Mum said firmly, wrapping her arm around his waist. “You’re part of the family, Si. The only thing that might possibly change is your surname.”

Silas’s eyes flew to mine as my mouth dropped open. Did Mum seriously just drop the wedding bomb?

“Mum,” I hissed, feeling like an embarrassed seventeen-year-old all over again. “We’ve literally been together a week.”

“Pssh.” She waved that away like it was immaterial. “You two might not have been bumping uglies, but you’ve been together in every other way for years.”

Silas and I threw our hands over our ears. “Mum, don’t say things like that.”

“Kill me now,” Silas groaned.

“I give up.” Mum threw her hands up in frustration. “Honestly, do you kids think me and your dad don’t have a healthy sex life? Why, just last week—”

“I don’t think they need to hear that, Di,” Dad interjected smoothly, steering her towards the house. “Come on, let’s get you a drink.”

We were silent as we watched them leave. As the door closed behind them, we faced each other.

And burst into raucous laughter.

Eventually, the sound faded into the night, leaving us wiping tears from our eyes.

“See, you had nothing to worry about. You can’t let Frank’s cuntishness get in the way of you being happy. Neither of your biological parents deserves another second of your time.”

“Meh. I have much better ones anyway.” It was like a weight had been stripped for him, my usual cheerful Silas reappearing in a blink. Amusement danced in his eyes as he waggled his brows at me. “Besides, soon we will be married, and they’ll be mine on paper too.”

“Can’tbelieveMum dropped me in it like that.”

Silas wrapped his arms around me, pressing his lips to the base of my throat. “I can. Remember when Louis brought his first girlfriend home? She asked the poor girl if she preferred carnations or roses as her friend Suzy is a florist and could do them a cracking deal on wedding flowers.”

I hugged him back, laughing as the memory popped into my head. “Poor Louis, you mean. I don’t think he’s brought anyone home since.”

Silas lifted his head, giving that all-too-familiar grin. “I know it’s been a week, but…your mum’s right. We’ve basically been a couple for years.”

My eyes widened. “Is this a marriage proposal?”

He rolled his eyes, digging his fingers into my ribs until I laughed. “Of course it’s fucking not. But…I’m just saying. I’m not putting limits on us. I say we move at whatever speed feels right. Not what society tells us we should be doing.”

I smirked. “Good, because I feel the same way. Fuck everyone else, let’s just do what makes us happy.”

Silas kissed me one more time before grabbing my hand. “Come on, before they send Ruby out to get us.”

He was pushing the door open before he paused, snapping his fingers like he’d just remembered something. “Oh, and, Kai?”


His dimple flashed as he grinned back at me. “When I propose, you won’t need to check if that’s what’s happening. You’llknow.”

Then he swept inside my parents’ house, leaving me dumbstruck on the doorstep.

Chapter twenty-seven
