Xadrian’s smile turned into a smirk. “A pity. I thought we might discuss jewelry. Your taste seems to be so similar to my own.”

I wanted to scream. Did he know or just suspect? One wrong move and I could be dead.

“Maybe later,” I said, trying to sound convincing.

Xadrian nodded. “Good. I’ll see you around, Kael.”

As he walked away, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. I had to be more careful than ever now. Xadrian was onto me, and I didn’t know what he was capable of. But one thing was certain: I couldn’t let anyone find out about my magic. Not if I wanted to stay alive.

I glanced down and noticed I was squeezing the tiara so hard that it had sliced my hand. Mirijana stepped forward and took the tiara from me, setting it back on its display case before turning to me with concern in her eyes. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” she whispered, taking my arm in hers as she led me toward the suite.

Aella quickly joined us, fussing over my wound while worrying about whom to tell about the display case. Mirijana ushered me back to the suite, trying to convince me that I needed medical attention.

“I’m fine,” I argued as I held a cloth to the cut. “Seriously, I’ve had way worse than this.”

“We need to find the Marshal so he can use the healing plate.” Worry still lingered in her expression as she urged me to sit down as if I’d faint from a cut on my palm. It was then that I realized why Mirijana wasn’t in the rebellion. She didn’t care about power or fame; Mirijana was more than happy to remain in the shadows and take care of others, even if that meant sacrificing her freedom. Her heart was too kind for bloodshed, and I couldn’t help but admire her for it. Allowing yourself to have a soft heart took more strength than covering it with stone.

She reminded me of Haemir. He was the same way; a doting father to Gavril and me, his first thought always of others. It didn’t matter how exhausted he’d been after working in the mines, he’d always have time for us, putting our needs above his every time. People like Haemir and Mirijana desired to help and care for others, but only if they are valued in return. For Mirijana to be content with her life, Theron must show her respect and appreciation. I scowled, angry that I was learning more about Theron than I wanted to hear.

As if my thoughts had summoned him, the door opened and Theron strode inside. His gaze focused on me as he noticed the bandage on my hand.

“Sihaya?“ His eyes studied me intently before he moved forward to stand in front of me. He mesmerized me as he bit his lip, concentrating as he took both of my hands in his and carefully examined them.

“Kael, what happened?”

“It’s nothing. Just an accident. “

He let out a small sigh before retrieving a metal plate from his pocket. His touch was gentle and intimate as he covered the wound with the plate, his eyes flooding black as he funneled magic through the metal. It warmed, feeling like he’d planted a passionate kiss in my palm and I inhaled sharply. As soon as he finished, the cut disappeared as if it had never existed in the first place, leaving only smooth skin behind.

We both remained silent for a few moments, gazing into each other’s eyes while neither of us said anything and yet somehow communicated volumes. I was more confused than ever as I tried to decipher this strange pull between us. He finished applying the healing plate and stepped away, breaking our intense connection.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, not taking my eyes off of him as I strived to make sense of it all.

Chapter 27


TheronandIsteppedonto the royal viewing deck of the colosseum, a strange sense of déjà vu filling me. The arena was bustling with activity as people milled around and shouted over one another. It was a cacophony filled with energy, with everyone eager to see the outcome of the next match. People filled the stands, some cheering, others shouting out their bets, holding glinting coins in the air. Enemies surrounded me, the crowd a tide of angry faces threatening to drown me. Theron buzzed with excitement, nervous energy flowing from him in waves, and seemingly oblivious to my apprehension.

The air filled with anticipation as Varzorn stood. The gathering fell silent as the emperor stepped to the podium. He was a formidable presence; dressed in royal vestments, the gold of his crown, and the glint of his weapons, belying his status as the most powerful ruler in Maeoris. His gaze swept over us all and I shivered despite myself.

“Tradition is fickle.” He announced, looking over the hushed crowd. “It says that a child of my loins should rule.” I glanced at Raura and the sour expression twisting her perfect features. I stared daggers at her, wishing I could kill them all. They were all monsters hiding under beautiful facades and I wanted nothing more than to tear down their twisted kingdom, once and for all. “But bloodlines aren’t what it takes to create an empire. It’s strength. Ambition. Power.” His gaze drifted over the gathered nobles, picking out the potential heirs with his keen eyes. Let us see who has the fortitude to take what he wants.

The presenter took the lead as Varzorn sat, watching with a cruel smirk. He glanced over at us and dread twisted my stomach into a knot.

“Xadrian Sarro,” the announcer called, his voice booming through the arena.

The crowd roared as Xadrian walked onto the viewing deck. His hair was slicked back, accentuating his chiseled jawline. He flashed me a lopsided grin, and a tremor ran through my chest.

“Versus Theron Axidor.”


Theron stepped forward, drawing the attention of the assemblage as they shouted his name. His face was hard, and he squared his shoulders in a challenge.

My heart leapt into my throat, and I glanced at Theron. His demeanor was stoic, but I recognized the apprehension in his eyes. But it wasn’t for himself. He stepped closer to me and placed a comforting hand on my lower back. “Stay by the railing where I can see you,” he warned. “Don’t leave with anyone.”

I nodded, touched that he was more worried about me than himself as he went to battle a man that had slain a lizard beast twice his size.