“Nothing that she didn’t like.” A twisted grin stretched her full lips.

“Like she had a choice.” I threw back. “Come on, Aella.” I held out my hand, as I had before when we stood in line together and waited. She stared at it for a long moment before slipping her small hand into mine. My mind whirled, unsure how I would help her, but I knew I couldn’t leave her here. Not again.

“Let’s go.”

As I turned to leave, Zija grabbed my arm, her nails gouging my skin. “I told you she’s staying here.”

“Let go of me,” I growled as she squeezed, her nails digging in deeper.

Raenisa appeared behind the power-hungry courtesan. “Back off, Zija,” she commanded, her voice like steel. “I’d hate to see how Theron reacts to you damaging his concubine.”

Zija backed off, letting go of my arm, and it throbbed.

“She’s stealing one of Lord Rhazien’s possessions.” Her voice was sweet, but the expression she gave Raenisa... if I’d thought she disliked me, it was nothing compared to the rage she felt for the woman before me. What had Theron said? That Raenisa was courted by Rhazien before? No wonder.

“Her name is Aella,” I said, sending Zija a venomous look. “And it’s obvious that she’s being mistreated.”

Raenisa locked eyes with me before checking out Aella, her expression hardening when she took in her hunched shoulders and the way she flinched.

“Aw hells.” She muttered before speaking louder. “Aella, do you want to leave?”

The Sirin Remnant nodded, her sea-colored eyes wet, and Raenisa sighed. “Alright, I’ll keep her. Let’s go.”

“You can’t just take her—“ Zija started, but Raenisa cut her off.

“Tell Rhazien that I’m keeping his concubine. That he can consider it a... courting gift.” Her expression twisted as if she could barely get the last words out.

Zija glared at her before dipping into an enraged curtsey. “Of course, my lady.”

Raenisa sniffed, directing Aella and me out of the smoky room and into the hall. The Sirin Remnant kept her head down, unwilling to meet Raenisa’s eye.

“Well, this is a mess. I was just lecturing Theron about having an inconvenient concubine and I went and adopted one. He’s never going to let me live it down.” She complained, scrubbing a hand over her face before brightening. “Wait. This is perfect. I can use her to make Caelia jealous.”

“She’s upset and needs rest,” I argued and Raenisa rolled her eyes.

“She doesn’t need to do anything, just stand there and be pretty. Unlike you with your mean glares all the time.” She did an impression of me, crossing her arms and glowering. “I’m angry and I only have one facial expression.”

I stifled an inane laugh. In another life, we might have been friends. The feeling struck me anew when Raenisa’s eyes softened when she turned to Aella.

“I don’t have any need of a concubine,” she said, and the Sirin Remnant’s shoulders slumped, no doubt expecting to be sent back to the Beast’s harem. “But I could use a housekeeper. What kind of experience do you have managing a household?”

Tentative hope bloomed in Aella’s eyes. “I worked keeping the books for my uncle’s shop before he sold me to cover some bad debts.”

Raenisa clucked her tongue. “He must be shit at dice.” Aella managed a small nod and Raenisa eyed her thoughtfully.

“Honest to a fault is an excellent trait in a servant, I think.” She clapped. “Well, if I’m not going to use her to make Caelia jealous, I might as well send her to my suite to get started.”

I nodded, thankful that she’d been the one to suggest it. “Mirijana can help her.”

“Great idea. I’ll have Theron’s servant teach you what to do for me, since I’m shit at running a household myself.” Aella managed a small smile as Raenisa continued speaking, the haunted look she’d worn earlier receding. Raenisa flagged down a passing slave girl, tasking her with guiding her back to the castle.

I gave her a reassuring hug, whispering, “Serving in her house is better than serving in his bed. I’m sorry I can’t do more.” I’d have to figure out a way to get her out with me when I left. Fuck, just one more thing to take care of before I could kill the Beast.

She nodded when I released her, her eyes wide and wet, as if she couldn’t quite believe she was free of the Beast’s harem.

When she was out of earshot, I turned to Raenisa. “Thank you.”

“So you can speak without growling.” She laughed as my expression hardened and I glared at her. “Oh, don’t pout, I’m just fucking with you.” She snagged a tart off a passing tray as a waiter passed us. “Hiding from someone?”