Herrath entered the room stiffly, his eyes flooded black. “Lord Marshal,” he began formally, and Theron frowned. “Your mother and Emperor Varzorn request your attendance at the execution block in the slave quarter.”

Raenisa waved him off. “The rebels escaped. That’s not happening.”

“I assure you it is. Nyana informed me only minutes ago.”

I tensed, my stomach tying itself into impossible knots. Had they recaptured Gavril and the others?Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Panic rose in my chest, grasping and threatening to suffocate me, but I forced it down, willing myself not to react. I couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me, not now, not when Gavril needed me most.

“What game are they playing?” Zerek growled, his fists clenched. “I don’t like this.”

Theron’s expression darkened. “Me either, but I have to go. I don’t have a choice.”

Raenisa spoke up, her voice calm but firm despite her obvious hangover. “We need to be prepared for anything. Varzorn is cunning. There’s a reason his name was added to the invitation.”

“So I wouldn’t refuse,” Theron murmured, pursing his lips before turning to me, his eyes searching my face. “Kael, stay in the suite. It’s not safe for you out there.”

“Kael?” Raenisa wrinkled her nose. “I liked Lily better.”

I ignored her as I met Theron’s eye once more. I had to go; the thought of leaving my brother and the other rebels to face their fate alone was unbearable. “Why? Don’t want me to see what your people do?”

He ran a hand down his face. “Gods, does everything have to be a fight with you?” He growled. “Fine. Come. But I’m trying to spare you.”

I nodded, relief washing over me as I dressed, my mind racing with worry and plans to save the rebels from Rhazien’s grasp. We rushed out the door and down to the vanira stable, eager to get there as quickly as possible. Even the thought of riding on the giant spiders didn’t deter me - I just wanted to reach our destination.

As we rode through the city into the slave quarter, the squalor and poverty that surrounded us struck me. It was so different from the opulence of the palace and the barrenness of the desert. I saw a young girl running through the alleys, and my heart lurched. I knew what it was like to live alone on the streets at that age.

We arrived at the pavilion in the deserted marketplace where Rhazien had made his display of power. An immense crowd had gathered, tension and fear in the air like a tangible presence. Where were they? I scanned the sea of people. How was I ever going to get them out of here? Theron pushed to the front, and I trailed in his footsteps, for once grateful for his size as the crowd made way for him and I got a glimpse of the stage. Relief filled me, so overwhelming that I almost fell to my knees, followed by guilt so thick I tasted it on my tongue like copper.

It wasn’t Gavril or anyone I knew on the execution block. It was three slaves - two men and a woman - being presented to Rhazien’s court as rebels who were guilty of treason against him. But they weren’t anyone I’d ever seen before. My stomach lurched with sickness and anger as I realized what was happening.

Rhazien was going to execute them, and he didn’t care that they were innocent. It was all a ploy to maintain his hold on power.

Theron stepped forward, pushing through the crowd until he reached Rhazien’s courtiers.

“What’s going on?” He demanded, his voice hard.

“Theron,” Varzorn called, and I watched as the Marshal’s shoulders straightened as a man and woman approached him and he dipped his head in greeting.

“Your majesty. Mother.”

The pair were both tall and imposing, with matching black hair and golden eyes that glittered dangerously in the light and marked them as siblings. There was an air of power and cunning around them—a dangerous combination that could easily be turned against him. These two had caused everything my people suffered. Killing Rhazien was nothing compared to taking out the emperor—

Theron’s voice broke into my thoughts as he spoke with the Varzorn. “What’s going on here? These aren’t the rebels.”

The emperor sighed, looking weary as he gestured to the three slaves on stage. “Really Theron. I know they all look the same, but do try to keep up.” A hint of a smile played about his lips and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.

“These are rebels who have been caught attempting to overthrow Lord Rhazien’s rule. He has ordered their execution.” His mother said, her expression hard. “You did well catching them.”

They stared at one another for a long moment and I sucked in a breath as the Beast sauntered forward, dressed in his metallic armor once more, sweat glittering on his shorn head.

“Yes, brother. Excellent work.” Rhazien sneered, his lip lifted in half a snarl. “Come, let’s speak.”

Theron glanced back at me before turning his gaze to Raenisa. “Rae, take my concubine to the castle.”

“And deprive her of the show?” The Weaver mocked, her cold eyes glinting in the sunlight as she inspected me, her expression one of mild disgust. “Go to the viewing platform, Lady Taelyr. Your brother is there as well, Zerek.” She sniffed. “Though he dressed appropriately.”

Raenisa didn’t respond, only offering a curt bow and taking hold of my arm, dragging me to the box of other nobles as Zerek slunk behind me and Herrath looked like he wished he could melt in the desert sun. Theron joined his brother, his posture stiff, as if ready to run.