“Why? Because the Empress is a Vennorin? She hasn’t produced an heir and we all know that Varzorn only chose her for the bride’s purse.”

“Why do you think she hasn’t birthed a child?” She lifted a delicate brow, and I realized what she meant, rage filling me. If she hadn’t prevented the empress from conceiving, then she wouldn’t have—I shoved the thought away, determined to stay present. My mother would kill me if she saw an opportunity. She’d always treated Raura Vennorin as a friend and ally, but Nyana would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. “We have their bride-price without sharing power. The Sarro children have a viable claim, twice related to the royal line. Not to mention the Amyntas brothers with their prior claim. The Vennorins aren’t related by blood and will need us for legitimacy. They’re the least likely to betray us.”

Of course, she’d put that in her calculations above her children’s happiness.

“It doesn’t matter, regardless. I have Raenisa.” I pointed out.

Her smile could cut. “We both know that the Taelyr girl isn’t interested in marrying a man. That’s why Rhazien pursued her in the first place. He wanted the alliance without giving up his harem. She’s going to have offers during this visit as well.”

Dread weighed heavily on my stomach. It seemed our ruse hadn’t worked at all. We’d just been insignificant enough for it not to matter until now.

“Fine.” I stood, stepping away from the chaise. “I’ll help you watch out for any other potential heirs in the competition, but don’t expect me to be interested in Tannethe. Rhazien can have her.”

I sat my wine on the table next to the vase of scorpion weed without drinking and turned as the doorman announced the empress. The dread in my middle turned to stone as she walked into the room.

Raura Carxidor was just as I remembered her—long auburn hair, piercing silver eyes, and a sly grin that promised all sorts of temptations. She wore a deep blue gown with a low-cut neckline that highlighted her curves and her Vennorin parentage. When she saw me, she beamed, her face alight with pleasure.

“Theron,” she said in a husky voice. “I was hoping to see you here.”

I didn’t respond, too angry and disgusted to speak.

Instead, I bowed in acknowledgment of the empress before turning on my heel and marching away without another word.

“There’s a ball tomorrow night. Be there.” My mother called after me, but I didn’t turn around.

I wanted nothing more than to get back to my suite where I could be alone with my entertaining concubine and forget everything that happened tonight.

Chapter 5


Iglaredatthewoman across from me, debating if I should kill her or not. The stupid collar wouldn’t stop me this time. My stomach still felt queasy from when I attempted to kill the Marshal in the bath. I could think about it in the abstract, but when I’d grabbed him by the hair, intent on pushing his head underwater, it felt like something had taken hold of my guts and yanked them through the floor. But I’d been able to hurt him, pulling his hair... I’d need to test the limits because I needed to kill him. Each moment in his company only made me want to drive my sword through his heart even more.

“Sooo...” Raenisa drawled, “I guess I should call someone?” I didn’t respond, only staring her down until she made a face. “Alright.” She stood and went to the door, speaking to a servant in the hall.

I searched the room for a weapon. There had to be a knife around here somewhere. If I caught her off guard, I could take her down, regardless of the armor. But there was no time; Raenisa returned with a scarred female Kyrie Remnant behind her holding a platter of food. Another servant followed with a basket filled with fruits, cheeses, and pieces of bread.

The smells of the spread reached me, and my stomach growled in response. I stepped away from the bedroom door, glancing over at Raenisa as I did so. She observed me as we both settled into our chairs while the servants set up their offerings on the table between us.

I nodded to her and the Kyrie Remnant’s scarred face lit up with a wry smile that didn’t reach her right eye; her skin twisted in a mass of scars partially obscuring an orb covered in a milky film. Unlike Teodosija and the other Kyrie Remnants that lived in the desert, she didn’t wear her hair in braids, instead letting her curls bounce around her head, the same color as her ochre skin. There was an energy to her that radiated warmth and hospitality, something I didn’t associate with the austere castle, and especially the Elves.

“Greetings, my lady,” she chirped as she placed the platter of food on the table. “I’m Mirijana, at your service.” It was surreal, her attitude so light and friendly in such a tense atmosphere. Raenisa smiled tightly at her and nodded in acknowledgment before returning to our staring contest. “You must be the Lily that everyone is talking about.”

I cleared my throat. “Um, that’s me.” Shit. I’d become more high profile than I’d wanted.

Mirijana took no notice as she set out our meal—humming under her breath as she moved around the living room, setting out plates for each of us with even more water. I’d eaten more in the last few hours than I normally did in days. And more than a slave might in a week.

Raenisa motioned for me to eat first. “Go for it.”

Yeah, right. “I’m not hungry.”

“Then I can call Kadir to do a fitting.” Mirijana beamed. “Lady Taelyr said the Lord Marshal wants you to have a full wardrobe.” She breezed out of the room, her sweet voice tinkling like a bell as she called for more help. Raenisa dunked a chunk of bread in a cheesy dip, groaning as she took a bite.

“You should try this,” she said around a mouthful of food, not bothering to close her mouth. “Theron wanted me to feed you.”

“I don’t give a fuck what the Marshal wants.”

She barked out a laugh. “Aren’t concubines supposed to be charming?”