“You can both stay here tonight,” Jamie says, but I keep my eyes fixed on Mom.

I can’t look at him, not entirely. He’s at the periphery of my vision, looming. He’s just saved my mother. In an ideal world, I’d be able to rush to him, throw my arms around him, kiss him, and thank him in other ways.

Then Mom turns with that familiar smile touching her lips, herJamiesmile. “Thank you.”

Another sick wave of jealously washes over me. I need help. I need to get my head straight. It’s not like I can do anything about it tonight. She’s just happy to be alive. I can’t ask her if she lied.

“Are you hungry?” I ask. “I can make us something.”

Mom gives me a look when I stand, almost like she’s saying,Oh, comfortable here, are you?It’s a look that makes me sick, almost like we’re competing.

That’s another thing I need to add to the list of things I never let myself think about. Mom nods slowly, her eyes still on me. I can’t let myself, yep,think. I’m so repetitive, even to myself, but I have to remind myself every few moments, especially when I feel Jamie’s eyes on me as I walk into the kitchen.

“What do you want, Mom?” I call over.

“Anything, dear. Anything you care to make me, and thank you. I’ll have a quick shower and be right out.”

Mom stands and walks over to Jamie. I finally look at him. He’s changed since earlier. He left the house in dark cargo gear and a hooded jacket. Now, he’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt without a collar, the type that hugs his thick arms, and plain blue jeans. He’s slicked his hair back, too. ForMom?

Jamie waves a hand, leading her to the bathroom. “I have some clothes, too.”

I have to concentrate hard so I don’t break the dishes as I heat the frozen pizza. There’s no reason to be healthy tonight. We’re celebrating. I hear Jamie’s footsteps as I lean down toward the oven, checking the progress. The cheese is beginning to melt.

“She’ll be out soon,” Jamie says.

I risk a look at him. My heart is thumping so hard now we’re alone. We can’t ruin this moment. I can’t look back on this day and think,I wasn’t thinking about Mom. I was thinking about him.

He’s staring down at me, his blue eyes sharp, just like when he threatened to kill Mom at the stoplight, but now he’s saved her. “I was just talking to a buddy of mine. The man who kidnapped your mom had two men with him. It turns out they were hired guns. They don’t give a damn he’s dead, and I didn’t hurt either of them except to bruise a couple of ribs. It looks like we’re free and clear.”

“And the man…”

Jamie grits his teeth. He looks so fiery. That’s what he always calls me, but that’s him all over. “He’s gone. You don’t have to worry about him. You never have to worry about anybody hurting you, Lena. Never again.”

I don’t want to say it, but he’s heating me up too much. He’s tempting me too fiercely. I stand and wave my hand at him. “Exceptyou.”

He shakes his head and blows out a breath. “I’m not fighting with you. You need to talk to your mom.”

“I’m not going to do thattonight.”

“I get it. Just be with your mom. You’ve earned it. I’ve got business to take care of in my office, anyway.”

“Really? It’s late.”

He takes a step back. Demon stands beside him, all smiles, completely contrasting his owner. “You deserve time alone.”

“I guess we’ll be going home tomorrow,” I go on, “since we’re safe now.”

Suddenly, his expression gets even darker. He takes a big step toward me. He reaches out and grabs my shoulders. Oh, no. This is bad, but it feels so good as he kisses me passionately, lifting and placing me on the counter. The pleasure explodes in my mouth, my soul. I grip his arms and rub myself against him.

Then I push him. Hard. In the chest. He grunts and steps backward, rubbing his mouth, his eyes wild. “Don’t talk about leaving,” he snaps.


“Don’t say a word about it.”

He turns and marches away, Demon at his side. I watch him go, tasting him on my lips. He got so mad then. It’s as though the worst thing he could think of is me leaving him. I want so badly for him to feel that devoted. It could all be so simple if…

If he wasn’t a liar. If he wasn’t a killer. If he wasn’t a bad, bad man.