She didn't seemlike she meant this at all, which served to amuse me even more. I pulled my pants off, and this time around, she couldn't claim to not notice, so she turned to look at me.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting comfortable," I said and returned my gaze to the couple who were now in the bathroom at a family party.
She droppedto her knees and took his cock in her mouth, and my hand went into my briefs to pull my dick out.
It didn't take longfor me to begin creaming at the tip, and despite how much she tried to ignore this, it couldn't be forever.
"This iswhat I mean right now," she said. "You're being a dick."
"I have a dick,"I told her calmly as I watched the scene.
"You might beable to tolerate your reaction to this, but I don't want to.”
My eyes wentto the tip of my cock, and at the slight leak of precum, coupled with the fact that she was outrightly watching, my heartbeat picked up its pace.
"Don't mind me,"I said. "You can keep on watching this boring show."
"What?"Her mouth fell open as she maintained her gaze on the screen.
"It's not boring."
"It isbecause there is no basis for the story. The man is obsessed with his son's fiancée and then—"
"Oh my God!"she suddenly exclaimed, and even I had to stop.
The room wasquiet for a few seconds as we processed what had just happened. And then I burst into laughter. She turned to me astounded.
"That's your response?"
"Finally, some action."
"His sonjust dropped to his death seven stories up. His head is splattered on the ground."
I smiledas my pace on my cock quickened, my eyes fluttering closed as pleasure began to burn through my veins. I loved the fact that she was watching and was more than eager to put on a much more interesting performance for her.
"For fuck's sake, Kane,"she said, and I let out a moan as I stroked my thumb against my head.
And then Iheard her move. My gaze snapped open just in time to catch her head over on her knees, her robe now so loose that it was barely hanging on her body. One of her breasts was exposed, and she didn't bother covering it up as she sauntered up to me.
"I so hatethat you're getting your way... again," she said, and I stared into her eyes as she positioned herself astride me.
"That'sone way to look at it," I said as she came closer until our chests were almost touching.
"Is thereanother way to look at it?" she asked, and I nodded.
"Of course.You could see it as me getting you out of your own way."
"Of course,you'd see it that way," she said as she held my face in her hands.
Her gaze lingeredon my eyes before it went down to my lips, and then she slanted her head to kiss me. My eyes fluttered shut to relish the contact, and it was a few minutes later before I was able to think clearly again. Maybe it was because of the fact that I was already aroused, but I enjoyed this kiss more than any I could remember in recent times.
There was justsomething about it, so much so that neither of us wanted to pull away from the other. Maybe it was because of the hourlong mental foreplay that had been involved, but suddenly, the more I watched her, I felt my heart begin to swell in my chest.
There wassomething very special about this woman, and even I had to admit it.
She pulledthe sleeves of her robe down in no time. The material was soft and bunched around her waist. Her breasts were fully exposed then, and as I held them in my hands, I couldn't look away.