Page 54 of Insufferable Boss

"You didn't need my vote," I told him. "With the both of you, wasn't the outcome already decided?"

He gave me a dark look, but I ignored it and walked away.

I was already stressed and exhausted from all the work I’d put in, but I didn't quite let myself feel anything until I had returned to my office. When I got there, I took my seat and looked around. If the project hadn't been approved, then was there any need to be here?

I felt quite lost, and it was the exact feeling that I had wanted to get away from in Los Angeles. But now that it was coming to this and my back was being pushed against the wall, I didn't even know if I wanted to fight. I looked across all the files on my desk and couldn't help but recall all the work put into bringing it together. It was aggravating that those two had shut it down like that, but it was to be expected.

Yet, despite knowing all week long that things could happen like this, I had still gone on anyway and refused to stop. That was because I enjoyed every bit of what we were discovering and what we were trying to put together. The project was massive, but now I was no longer intimidated by what it was but excited by what it could be. With this thought in mind and my excitement somewhat coming to life again, I rose to my feet and headed over to Kane’s office.

This project wasn't dead. I suspected he felt the same way, but I needed his confirmation. So, even though I really didn't want to deal with any board members for the day, I started to rise to my feet. However, just before I could walk around the desk, there was a knock on my door. I had many speculations as to who it was. It could truly be any number of people, but as my secretary came in to inform me, I realized that at this moment, and even though I was reluctant to admit it, there was only one person I wished was at the door.

"Miss Mercer?" he greeted, and I found myself holding my breath.

"Mrs. Lloyd is here to see you." I was a bit stumped by the name, wondering who this was, but he soon explained when he saw my confusion.

"Kate Lazarus," he said. "She's the CEO's sister."

I had never cared to notice this before, but now I had to take a double look at her to see if she in any way resembled Kane. I found a few minutes later that they absolutely did not, especially since the sterling reviews about him had never quite extended to her, both managerially and otherwise. Still, she was here, and although I didn't expect her intentions to be anywhere near positive or even civil at worst, I admonished myself to be as accommodating as possible so that this mental maze of a day for me could hurry towards its finish line.

"Lena," she called as soon as she came in with her heels. She was also tall like Kane, and so one couldn't help but feel dominated when in her presence, but not me.

"Have a seat," I ignored her casual call of my name when I was certain that I had never exchanged two words with her or even seen her in person before now. Maybe from across a room during one of our family gatherings, but definitely not this up close and personal.

"I brought a gift," she said, and my gaze lowered to the pretty blue and white mug in her hand.

"You didn't have to," I said dryly as I stared at it, and she responded.

"Yes, I did. I should have welcomed you about a week ago, but as you well know, I had to take a leave of absence." I watched her, still incredibly suspicious as to what this visit and her gift actually entailed.

She took her seat and then she smiled after pushing the box towards me.

"The presentation you shared today was brilliant," she said. "Anyone with even half a brain would approve it. It's the best expansion plan for anything since the home division was established.”

“So, my question for you is, why wouldn't you just support your brother's reinstatement so that you could do whatever you want? You've turned down a buyout deal, and your project is being rejected. What was so heavy about lifting your hand?"

I smiled at her words.

"What you're seeing right now, and what Kane is fighting about, is insubordination and not his employment. You should know this since you ran the company longer with him," I said.

She stared at me.

"So, you're open to letting Kane control you?"

"He's the CEO!" I almost yelled at her. "There's a reason why there is a CEO, despite the fact that we all have an equal stake."

With a smile, she leaned back in her chair, continuing to watch me.

"What will it take?" she asked me. "What will it take for you to back your brother so that we can put this whole thing to rest? As a result, of course, you get your expansion and everyone's happy."

I sighed as I stared at her.

"Why are you discussing this with me and not Kane?"

I was surprised by her question.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean by 'what do I mean'?" She watched me, then smiled.