Page 89 of Relentless

Grabbing a pair of tweezers, I push the points gently into one of the cuts, where I can see a shard of glass glistening in the bright lights above us.

The second I make contact, he flinches.

“You don’t need to do this.”

“I do. But I don’t need you to be a pussy about it. It’s just a bit of glass.”

I glance up to see his teeth grind and his jaw pop.

“Aw, does it hurt?”

“It’s just a bit of glass,” he sneers, copying my words.

“Right. Well, I’ll make this as quick as possible for the baby who can’t cope with a little pain. Maybe I should shove a needle through your nipples while we’re here, see how you like it.”

His eyes blaze with heat, making me wonder how much he likes the idea of that. Twisted fuck.

“Maybe just focus on the hand for now,” he mutters.

This time when I dig for the glass, I’m less gentle.

“Ow, fuck,” he hisses, failing to pull his hand away when I hold his wrist tight.

“Baby,” I mutter, keeping my eyes down and focused.

I just wish that meant I could miss the way his dick begins to harden. And it only gets worse the more pain I inflict.

As I work, finally confident I’ve removed all the glass, the tension between us grows, as does the tent in the towel.

Just before I reach for a bandage to wrap around his hand, I risk looking up.

I know he’s not looking at me. The second he shut his eyes, the tingles down the side of my face he was staring at lessens. But what I’m not expecting is to find his face taut with restraint. His eyes are squeezed closed; there’s a deep crease between his brows and his lips are pressed into a thin line.

“If you’re done, you can leave.” He growls, clearly able to sense my attention, despite having his eyes closed.

“I-I’m not. I just need to—”

Reaching for the roll, I begin wrapping his hand. I’ve covered the deeper cuts with skin closures. I’ve no idea if it’s enough or not, but the thought of actually stitching him up makes my stomach roll.

The warmth of his skin burns up my arm but I don’t let that or the crackling intensity between us stop me.

Just do the job and get out.


The second I’m done, I throw everything back into the first aid kit and get ready to run. Only, the second I lift the box from his lap, the towel comes with it, leaving his very hard, and very pretty—I’m never ever telling him that—cock exposed.

Jesus Christ. Is that a magic cross?


Time stops. Literally freezes with my eyes locked on his dick. It’s long and thick with what I can only assume is the perfectly designed curve because I know for a fact that when that’s inside a woman it’s to hit—

My thighs clench as I try to imagine what it might be like to have him stretching me wide.

JD’s size is more than generous, but I think Reid might have him on girth.

My mouth waters, my panties utterly ruined as precum beads at the swollen head of his cock, the metal balls on each side glinting in the light.