Page 85 of Relentless

“Reid had one of them locked up downstairs. I stabbed the fuck out of him.”

A laugh punches from my chest. “I’m… uh… proud of you?”

“Thanks. I’m pretty proud of me too. And we’re one step closer to wiping them all out now,” she says with a massive smile.

My lips part to ask more about Reid being on our side when there’s a knock on the door.

“Hold that thought,” she says, before ducking under my arms to answer it.

“I brought you some snacks and coffee. Didn’t know how he took it so I guessed at black and strong like the other motherfucker in this house.”

“Don’t you ever fucking compare me to that twisted cunt,” I bark at the half-closed door.

Alana and JD share a laugh at my expense, which makes me want to rip the door open and plow my fist into his face again. But before I even think about putting it into action, Alana is stepping back from the door with a tray in her hands and kicking it closed behind her.

The scent of coffee makes my mouth water and I reach for it without thought.

“Oh my God.” I moan as the richness floods my mouth.

Alana watches me with heated eyes and a smirk on her face.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she says, her smile growing as she places the tray on the bed. “I’m going to run you a bath.”

She’s gone before I can say anything, and as I throw a cookie into my mouth, the sound of running water hits my ears, making my skin itch to be clean.

I’d learned to ignore it, but now it’s within reaching distance, my need to scrub my skin until it’s raw and rid of the scent of the basement is too much to deny.

Downing the coffee, I stuff the remaining cookies into my mouth and shove my pants from my hips, leaving me in only my boxers, and I walk toward the scent of bubble bath and the temptation of my wife.



The second Mav steps into the doorway, my temperature increases and my skin tingles with awareness.

“They haven’t been feeding you properly,” he states, announcing his presence.

“It’s been a stressful couple of weeks,” I confess.

“You’re telling me.”

“Tell me they’ve been feeding you more than their cocks.”

Sucking in a sharp breath, I spin around and pin him with a glare.

He holds his hands up in surrender, his expression wrought with guilt.

“Sorry. I’m sorry. I just—” He shakes his head and rips his eyes from me. “Thank you. You’ve no idea how much I need this.”

“Yeah, I do,” I confess. It wasn’t so long ago that I was desperate for exactly the same thing.

“I know I smell bad but you don’t need to make me feel worse about it,” he jokes.

“No, that wasn’t—”

“I know, Doll.”