Page 36 of Relentless

“Oh no?”

My grip on her throat tightens and a whimper of need rips from it.

“Your words might say one thing, but your body says another.”

“Didn’t you get the memo upstairs? I’m fucked up, Julian. My body is tainted and wants things it shouldn’t have.”

“Not the way I see it,” I confess.

Yes, I hate what she’s been through. That she’s had men’s hands on her who didn’t have the right. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting her something fierce.

“Then maybe you’re just as fucked up as I am,” she suggests, as if it’s going to be news to me.

“Oh, I can fucking guarantee it, Dove. You think I’m the nice one? The funny one? The light to Reid’s twisted darkness?” I ask, my lips trailing down her neck. “Then you’re very, very wrong.”

She gasps as I cup her breast, squeezing until I know it hurts, sending a bolt of electricity to her clit. I’m proved right when she arches into me, offering up more of herself while her ass grinds against my dick.

“If you knew what they did to me, you’d never want to touch me,” she says, some of the armor she usually has locked tight around her cracking open just a little.

“Then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did.” She shudders as I lick a trail up her neck before sucking on the skin beneath her ear.

“I’m serious, Julian,” she breathes, unable to fight the desire that’s flooding her body.

“So am I. I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

Releasing her waist, I take a step forward, forcing her against the wall.

“Julian.” She moans as I rock against her.

A wicked idea fills my mind the second my name falls from her lips as nothing but a desperate plea and I pull my cell from my pocket. I wince as the brightness sears my eyeballs, but I quickly locate the app I need and change the settings before I place it on the dresser, next to the whiskey. I grab it and take a shot, loving the burn as it slides down my throat.

“Open your mouth, little dove,” I demand, twisting my fingers in her hair and dragging her head back, giving her little choice but to follow orders.

“JD.” She gasps, making me smirk, but it’s quickly drowned out when I pour the liquid into her mouth.

She splutters a little, but eventually swallows it down.

Coughing, she cusses me out.

“Good, huh?”

“No,” she spits. “I fucking hate whiskey.”

“Aw, don’t tell Big Man that. It’s his favorite. He’ll be pissed enough that I’m drinking it.”

“I don’t give a shit about him or his precious whiskey.”

“No, all you care about right now is my cock, isn’t that right, little dove?”

“Get fucked,” she hisses, but even as she says the words, her ass is shifting against me, letting me know what she really wants.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much the idea.”

I wrap my hands around the bottom of Reid’s tank and drag it up her body.

“Arm’s up, little dove. Let me see those incredible tits.”

She fights me, or at least she tries to for a few seconds at least. But eventually, she admits defeat and I get the joy of peeling the fabric from her body, leaving her deliciously naked.