Page 173 of Relentless

At her request, we had our lunch outside. A fresh garden salad with avocado and pork chops, which were seasoned and cooked to perfection.

It’s really quite annoying just how good at everything he is. It’s a reminder of why I hated him when we were kids.


It hurts to admit it, even all these years after, but that was the crux of it.

He had it all. A father with all the power, a stepmother that loved him and his brothers, and friends who’d stand by him through thick and thin.

I was… well, I was just there. From as early as I can remember, Dad was happier being anywhere but at home. He seemed to prefer his women and the other kids he spawned all over town. It wasn’t until Ivy entered my life that I felt like I belonged, but there was still something missing. And I didn’t discover what it was until the day I dragged Alana into my life, and everything changed. I finally found the point in my life, the place I was meant to be. And it was easy to forget that she didn’t really have a choice but to stay.

“Oh my God, do you remember those burgers you made not long after we moved in here?” JD asks with a laugh before tipping his beer bottle to his lips.

Reid doesn’t say anything or react in any way.

“Oh, don’t give us that blank,I’ve no idea what you’re talking about face.I know you do. You were so fucking mortified.”

“Whatever.” Reid scoffs, pushing his chair back. He takes all our plates and abandons them on the kitchen counter.

JD’s cell dings and he pulls it out, but before he can react to whatever it is, Reid barks out a loud curse.

“What is it?” Alana asks.

“Victor,” Reid states, his voice hard and cold.

“Shit,” Alana hisses, jumping to her feet. “Here? Now?”

“Yes,” JD confirms.

“Fuck,” Reid barks, storming from the room.

“Where the fuck is he going?” I ask, watching him depart.

“Fuck knows. But you two need to disappear,” JD instructs before racing after Reid.

“This wasn’t meant to happen,” Alana says quietly.

“No, but it was inevitable. The cunt is Reid’s father, after all.”

“Fuck. Come on,” she says, threading her fingers through mine and dragging me from the room.

Part of me expects her to lead me to the basement, so it comes as a bit of a surprise when she takes the stairs just as an ominous bell rings through the house, forcing us to pick up our speed.



With my heart in my throat and dread flooding my veins, I drag Mav up the stairs.

My entire body trembles with fear.

If he knows we’re here…

If he discovers we’re here…

My stomach rolls and my mouth waters with the need to vomit.

“Where are you going?” Mav asks as I bypass the room that’s been allocated as his in favor of one farther down the hallway, his voice deeper than usual, showing his own concern.