Page 121 of Relentless

I chuckle. “She wasn’t about to slap me with her tits,” I tease.

“Fuck you.”

“We’ve been over this. Not interested in what you have to offer. Alana’s pussy is all I need. But like I said, I’m willing to take that and offer up her ass for you.”

“How selfless of you.”

“You know me, I’m all about sharing the love.”

He scoffs, shaking his head.

“Just… don’t get attached,” he warns. Although when he glances over, I catch the knowing look in his eyes, and I think he’s already aware that it’s too late. “Fuck, J,” he says, scrubbing his hand down his face and rubbing his jaw.

“You’d get it if you manned up to what you wanted and fucked her.”

“Or maybe that’s exactly the reason I haven’t,” he counters.

“What are you talking about? You’re holding back because you’re a masochist. How are those balls holding up, anyway.”

“You’re an asshole. I’m just trying to—”

“Warn me I’m about to get my heart broken?” I offer. “Trust me, I’m more than aware of that.”

“I need you focused, J. All this shit, it’s about to—”

“I know. And I’m right here, bro. I got you.”

He wrings the wheel again; although, he’s noticeably relaxed since first dropping into the car.

“Let’s just hope they’re all as easy as Richie, yeah?”

“Something tells me that won’t be the case.” He grunts before his phone starts ringing through the car and Victor’s name pops up on the screen. “Shit.”

“You checked for trackers, right?” I ask, dread sitting heavy on my chest.

“Of course I fucking did. I’m not an amateur. If that fuck has sold us down the river already though, he’s going to find his family dead by sunlight,” Reid warns darkly.

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I say, although I sound unconvincing as fuck as he hits the accept button on the wheel and lets the call connect.

“Victor.” He grunts, letting his father know with just one word how excited he is to talk to him.

“What the fuck is going on with shipments? Devin said—”

“Fucking Devin,” Reid mutters under his breath. “It’s fine. I’ve spoken to our supplier, it’ll be here before sundown.”

“Fucking better be or we’ll be missing another weekend of revenue.”

“When have we missed a weekend?” Reid asks, knowing full well that we haven’t. Yes, he’s fucking about, making things as awkward as hell to show his father up, but the money is still rolling in.

“Just get it sorted. I handed you solid suppliers that I’ve worked with for years. I never had this kind of fucking problem.”

“Good for you, Victor,” Reid praises, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Can I get on with my job now?”

Victor mutters something intelligible down the line and Reid’s thumb hovers over the end call button, but pauses in cutting him off when Victor speaks again.

“You heard anything from Mav?”

“Why the fuck would I have spoken to that asshole?”