Page 78 of Relentless

“Yes,” I confirm through gritted teeth.

If we don’t do it right the fuck now then there is every chance I’ll change my mind.

My eyes hold JD’s for a second, and I know he’s thinking the same as me.

She’s going to want him, not us.

But what the fuck am I meant to do? Keep him locked up down there for the foreseeable future in the hope she forgets about him?

Ripping my eyes away from them, I stride past them, only slowing to give JD’s shoulder a squeeze.

My palm stings the second we make contact, reminding me that there’s probably still glass embedded in it from the glass I shattered against the counter.

It’s not until I’m at the door that I cave and look back. And fuck am I glad I do.

While Alana might look two seconds away from either bursting into tears or exploding with excitement, what I notice the most is the fact she looks like she’s been mauled by a bear. Or more so… two Hawks.

I can’t help but smirk as I make my way down the hall and I finally get to sort out my junk.

“You coming or what?” I shout when I get to the basement door.

If we’re going to do this then it has to be right fucking now.



“What are you waiting for?” I cry as I practically run out of the room the second Reid’s deep voice rumbles through the air.

I’m pissed at him. Beyond fucking pissed for whatever that was back there. But if I’m honest, I’m more pissed at myself than him.

What the fuck was I even thinking getting down on my knees like I was desperate for his dick?

You were desperate for his dick…

No. It wasn’t that. It wasn’t him I was desperate for; it was a distraction, anything that would rid the images from my head that talking about the past dragged up. That and my need to finish off what JD started in the kitchen.

It’s JD’s fault. All of it.

“Yeah, Dove. I’m coming,” he says reluctantly before his footsteps sound out behind me.

I tell myself that the second I walk out of that room, I’ll forget about everything that happened inside.

He’s taking me to Mav. That’s what matters right now.

Butterflies take flight in my stomach and the tremble returns to my hands as I step into the hallway and see Reid push the door open that I failed to find the other night.

He doesn’t look back, and I’m grateful for that. I might be able to throw my shoulders back and hold my head high after that epic embarrassment back there, but I’d rather not have to.

I don’t realize I’ve slowed to an almost stop until JD’s warm palm presses to the small of my back, gently moving me forward.

“I thought you wanted this,” he whispers.

“I do. More than anything. It’s just…” My words trail off as my fears get the better of me.

I’ve no idea what he knows and what he thinks of me now.

It’s hard to believe that Reid wouldn’t have ensured Mav knows everything. He probably delighted in telling him what a whore his wife is.