Page 57 of Relentless

I know all about the situation between them thanks to gossip from both Kane and Mav over the years. I might not have been involved in Harrow Creek personally much over the years, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what happens out on those dark and corrupted streets.

“So,” I try again. “Where are they?”

He watches me walk around the desk, his eyes dropping to my bare legs as I move.

“Meeting with Victor.”

My steps falter and he notices. Of course he does.

“Why?” I blurt, my heart speeding up again. I sat and watched the entire time that Reid was in Mav’s cell last night, desperately trying to lip-read their conversation. While I picked up on a few bits and the general tone of the discussion, no matter what I did to the TV, I couldn’t get the audio to work.

Mav could have told him anything. Or everything.

Reid and JD could know it all. And they—

I reach for the wall to catch myself. Sucking in deep lungfuls of air, I try to keep my shit together.

I shouldn’t care if they’re going to have it out with Victor. I shouldn’t be worried about how he’d react. If he’d pull a gun and put them down there and then.

But I fucking do.

“Alana?” Devin asks, his voice softer than it has been since he found me here.

The warmth of his hand lands on my shoulder and I flinch away.

“Don’t,” I snap. I might not have an issue with Reid or JD’s hands on me, but for some reason, Devin’s feels wrong. It burns. And not in a good way.

“Uh…” he starts, instantly tugging his arm back. “Sorry?” The fact it comes out like a question, like he might be even a little bit uncomfortable with this situation right now makes me feel better. “How about that coffee, huh?”

“Sounds good,” I mumble, finally getting my legs to move as my head spins and my shoulder continues to burn from his touch.

“What did you do?” Ezra barks, his eyes locked over my head as Devin trails me back to the kitchen.

“Me?” he asks innocently. “I didn’t do anything.”

Ezra ducks down, giving me little choice but to look at him. “You good?”

Sucking in a deep breath, I focus on his eyes as I fight to calm the riot in my head. They’re kinder than his brothers, softer, although only slightly.

“Wonderful. Best day of my life,” I deadpan.

“That’s what we like to hear,” Ezra says, playfully slugging me in the arm. “Here.” He passes me a mug and gives me a small smile. “Ignore him. He can be an asshole when he wants to be.”

“Takes one to know one,” Devin mutters as he falls onto Reid’s couch, spilling coffee on the cushion as he goes. I guess that half explains why everything is black.

I stand awkwardly as Ezra follows suit and sips on his steaming black coffee with the ease Reid does.

“We don’t bite,” he says when he notices me hovering.

“Not all the time,” Devin adds.

I look between the two of them, trying to get my head around all of this.

“You knew he wasn’t here,” I state. “So why did you call out when you first got here like you were expecting him to pop up?”

“It was hours ago he called to say he was heading to the club,” Devin says innocently. “Thought he might have been back by now.”

“You’re lying,” I accuse. “He sent you to babysit me, didn’t he?”