Page 49 of Relentless

All the air rushes from his lungs in a painful grunt. As I step away, he doubles over, clutching his shoulder.

“I want to know everything,” I demand, refusing to allow his previous conversation to continue.

This isn’t about me or his bullshit opinion about the reason I am the way I am.

This is about him and Alana and everything they’ve been planning.

“Well, unlucky for you, I don’t give a flying fuck about what you want,” he grits out, standing to full height again.

A bitter laugh spills from my lips as I watch him battle the pain I’ve inflicted. It feeds some dark part of me, and I can’t deny that the need for more is fucking addictive.

“Where is my wife, Harris?” he demands.

“Probably in JD’s bed.”

Credit where credit is due, he almost manages to cover his reaction to that statement.

“Why? Why do you have her? What do you want from her? From me?”

I smirk, unwilling to play my hand quite so soon.



“Do you really think you’re in any kind of position to be making demands?” Reid taunts. My fists curl with my need to wipe the smug fucking look off his face.

But it’s pointless. He’s already proved that he can overpower me.

He'd probably take me down even on a good day. But I’ve been down here for… too fucking long with barely any food or water. And thanks to that prick, I’ve got a fucking hole in my shoulder.

“She’s my fucking wife, Harris. She’s been missing for almost two weeks. You fucking abducted her. Why?” Desperation is clear as day in my voice, but I don’t care.

He already knows that Alana is my weakness. It’s the whole reason I’m here in the first place.

“She fucked up, needed punishing,” he states simply, like it’s just another day in his fucked-up world.

I guess it is. Fucking psycho.

“She doesn’t deserve to be here.”

He laughs again. There’s no humor in it, just darkness and the need for pain and destruction.

“Do you have any idea of the shit she’s been through? The last thing she deserves is to put up with your brand of fucked up.”

He rests back against the wall and folds his arms across his chest. The move is way too casual for the suffocating tension of the room. But then that’s just Reid for you. Totally unaffected by normal shit like everyone else on the planet.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he muses. “I think she’s very much enjoyed her time with me. I gave her diamonds and everything.”

My eyes narrow suspiciously while his dances with mirth.

Fucking asshole.

“What did you do to my wife, Harris?” I seethe.

His smirk grows, but he doesn’t respond.

“I need some answers before I give you any,” he explains.