Page 165 of Relentless

“Fucking asshole. It’s all fun and games until shit gets serious.”

“I can do fucking serious,” I bark as he retreats toward the door. “I kept her fucking safe for you, didn’t I?”

“Not sure I fully agree with your style of protection,” he argues.

“You’re just jealous,” I point out as I finally climb out of bed. “I know how fucking epic it feels to have her pussy tightening down around my— whoa,” I say, a playful smile spreading across my lips when he throws a really sloppy punch in my direction. “Come on, bro. We’re friends now.”

“Are we?” he mutters, finally pulling the door open and stepping out.

Not wanting to be left behind, I quickly take a piss, rinse my mouth out and then rush after him.

“What’s going—”

“Shhh,” Reid hisses when I descend the final few stairs and find him and Mav standing on each side of the doorway that leads into the living room.

My brows pinch in confusion, but it only lasts a few seconds before the sound of Alana’s voice fills the air.

She’s singing. And it’s… really good.

She might have belted out a few lines last night, but she was wasted. Now though, she’s putting her all into it and it makes the hairs on the back of my neck lift. And it seems that I’m not the only one enthralled by the sound because those two schmucks can’t take their eyes off whatever she’s doing inside the living room.

“What’s going on?” I ask a little quieter, unable to stop myself as I move closer.

The song she’s singing is familiar, but I can’t quite pinpoint it.

No one answers; they don’t need to. The second I step up to the doorway, I get my answer.

My little dove is once again up on a table, only it’s the coffee table this time, and she’s belting out a song from a Disney movie. I catch a glimpse of two characters flying around on a magic carpet, but other than that, my attention is firmly on Alana as she throws her arms out wide and sings at the top of her voice.

All three of us stand there silently, completely enraptured by her. That is until she spins dramatically, whipping her head around so fast that the tie holding her hair up flies across the room like a tiny missile, barely missing Mav’s head as it shoots past us. She misjudges a back step and her heel falls over the edge of the table. She screams, her body plummeting.

All three of us dart forward at the same time, but it’s Reid—the asshole—who gets there first, sweeping her into his arms and cradling her against his chest.

Again. Fucking asshole.

She glances over his shoulder, shaking her wild hair from her face and finds me and Mav hot on Reid’s tail.

“Oh my God, were you all watching me?” she guesses, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink that climbs all the way to the tips of her ears.

“You were putting on a show, little dove. Of course we were watching,” I say happily.

“You good?” Reid asks, after dropping his ass to the couch, suspiciously keeping her on his lap.

Mav and I stand shoulder to shoulder, watching them, but while anger comes off Mav in waves as Reid touches his girl, I’m nothing but curious.

“Yes. Thank you,” she sasses, attempting to scramble off his lap.

Reid grimaces, his jaw popping. “What’s wrong, Big Man? She making it hard?” I tease.

“Shut up, Julian,” Alana hisses, before finally getting to her feet and fleeing from the room as if her ass is on fire.

“Look what you did,” I say pointing at her retreating back, glaring at my best friend. “You made her run away.”

“Me?” He gasps, his brows hitting his hairline.

“Yeah, you. Couldn’t have been nice and touched her up a bit. Get her engine revving.”

I’m so busy teasing Reid about his obvious desire for the woman I can’t get enough of that I don’t notice Mav slip out of the room after her.