Page 120 of Relentless

He’s all business, just like he always is in these kinds of situations.

“I know what I’m doing,” Reid states, his voice firm and his face determined. “What I need to know is if you’re with me or not.”

Reid’s been working his way around the local gangs. Hell, and a few that are very much not local, but who hold enough power and sway to be able to support him on his mission.

It’s risky, Richie isn’t wrong.

Sabotaging Victor’s business dealings is one thing, but going behind his back to collude with his allies is fucking dangerous.

But Reid always knew this was going to be perilous. But he’s been at it too long to get scared off now.

Richie regards him, finally sitting back, and crosses his arms over his chest.

But while he might appear to relax, his two little bitches stand taller, both their hands poised to reach for the guns holstered at their hips.

He nods once, and I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. There isn’t any love lost between the Hawks and the Ravens, but like most businesses, money speaks louder than that pride, although, only a little louder.

“Yes, I’m with you.”

“Fantastic,” Reid states simply before pushing from the shitty plastic chairs we were offered to sit in and standing tall, putting Richie at a major disadvantage, not that the pretentious prick cares. “I’ll be in touch when the time comes.”

“I look forward to doing business with you, little Harris.” Reid’s shoulders tense at his stupid nickname, but he bites back a response.

I stand, and with a jerk of my chin, I march around my chair and step up to Reid’s side.

Not a word is said between us until we’re safely inside his car, the engine running, his shoulders back and his neck cracked.

“So, are we going to talk about last night or just ignore it like it never happened?” I ask as Reid, taking his mind off the meeting we just had, floors his Charger racing out of Ravens’ territory.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” He practically growls as he white-knuckles the wheel.

“Oh, sure there isn’t,” I tease. “I must have imagined you slipping your hands inside Alana’s tank and helping me to get her off so that she could get out of her own head and forget her nightmare.”

I didn’t think it was possible, but his knuckles get even whiter. If the cuts across them were fresher, they’d have split right open.

I study the hard set of his face as he stares out the windshield and his jaw ticks in irritation.

“You two are as fucking bad as each other.”

“Don’t compare me to him,” he spits.

“Sorry,” I mutter, looking ahead again. “My bad, you’re nothing like each other. Pig-headed motherfuckers. You’ve no idea when you’ve got a good thing right under your hands.”

Now that gets a reaction.

“He’s touched her?”

I try to fight my smirk of accomplishment, but it’s too hard, and it spreads across my lips.

“Yep, he couldn’t resist her allure either. We both got her off this morning.”

He tries not to look interested, but he fails fucking miserably.


“Yep,” I state proudly. “I was knuckles deep in her pussy, and he took her clit. You should have seen the way she came for us. Fucking beautiful, bro.” Just to be a prick, I do a little chef’s kiss to really drive the point home. “But then again, you didn’t see how she came for us either, did you? Too much hiding behind her like a pussy.”

“I was restraining her to stop her from hitting you.”