I keep my hands down, my palms flat against the sides of my thighs as my breathing quickens.

“Don’t worry. It’s okay if you touch me by accident. It’s just not allowed as a general rule.”

“Oh, okay.” I nod, relaxing a little as she hovers in my lap, rolling her hips slowly and exploring her body with her hands, roaming from her hips up to her breasts and squeezing them, then sliding them back down again and dipping them inside her panties.

She moans softly and then takes her hand out and slides off my lap, standing up between my spread thighs and spinning around.

She hooks her thumbs under each side of her lace thong and bends in half, sliding it off and giving me a full face-height view of her perfectly smooth pink pussy. Then she straightens up and lowers herself back onto my lap, facing away from me, where she continues to roll her body as she rests her back against my chest.

“Do you and your boyfriend come to clubs a lot together?”

She runs her hands up and strokes both breasts, arching her back away from me, before dropping it back down and writhing on me gently. Her skin is soft and smells of the same heady floral perfume.

“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s my boss,” I say as she hooks one leg over my thigh and spreads hers, placing her hand between them and stroking herself.

“That’s why he hasn’t taken his eyes off you this entire time, then. Because he wants you but can’t have you.” Midnight giggles softly and I glance up.

Dax is watching me, his eyes burning with a deeper intensity even for him. Midnight is spread open, naked, and touching herself on my lap. But Dax’s eyes are dark and fixed on mine as if she isn’t even here. His tongue slowly darts out, licking along his lower lip, so subtle it could be easily missed. Heat spreads in my cheeks as he watches me. I take a deep breath, becoming aware of Midnight as she moves away from me and retrieves her dress, slipping it back on.

I break Dax’s gaze and look up at her, handing her the scarf and gently pulling my skirt back down.

“You’re a beautiful dancer.”

She bends down and dusts my cheek with a soft kiss.

“And you were a pleasure to dance for.” She glances to Dax and back. “Enjoy the rest of the night with your boss.” She smiles and then walks past Dax. He holds up some folded notes in one hand and Midnight plucks them from his fingers as she leaves.

I stare after her, energy dancing in my stomach.

“You looked like you enjoyed that.”

“I did. She’s beautiful,” I confess as I bring my eyes back to meet his.

He stands and holds his hand out to me. I hesitate before taking it and let him pull me to my feet.

“Didyoulike watching her?” I breathe as I stand and come face-to-face with him.

His voice lowers. “You know the answer to that.”

“She was naked.” I bite my bottom lip, narrowing my eyes at him. “Sonaked.”

“And she may as well have been a fucking trucker called Keith for all I care,” he growls.

I tilt my head and study him. “Why did you pay her to dance for me, then? If you weren’t interested in watching her.”

“Because, Sunbeam,” he murmurs, low and gravelly in my face, “I wanted to see what you look like when you’re turned on. I wanted to see if your cheeks would flush like they are now. I wanted to see if your lips would part and go a deeper shade of pink like they are now. I wanted to watch you and imagine if your cunt was dripping and if you could feel your pulse beating in it.” His chest rises and falls with labored breaths. “I wanted to see it so I can imagine it when I’m in bed tonight.”

I gasp quietly, and he turns his face away from me with a soulless chuckle. When he looks back, he pins me in place with glittering eyes.

“Is that what you want to hear? That I want you so fucking much when I look at you? But know I can’t ever have you? Is it?” He leans into me, pressing his lips to my ear, sounding out each word slowly. “I’m more trapped than when I was in fucking jail.”

“Dax?” The air leaves my lungs as he pulls back, and I catch a hint of the haunted look on his face before he masks it with a scowl. “Dax? This is… I don’t understand. Please. Talk to me.” I search his eyes, but he just glances at me and then tightens his grip on my hand. “Where are we going?”

“You wanted to go back,” he grunts. “So I’m taking you back.”

We walk back to the car in silence and Dax drives us back with the radio playing. The entire time, my head spins so hard that I’m dizzy and confused by the time he drops me back at the cottage. I climb out into the night air and walk to the front door. He won’t leave until he sees that I’m safely inside.

I pause as I unlock it. Maybe this was his plan all along. Distract me with a lap dance so I didn’t ask any more questions about the man we saw, and why he pulled me into the alley to avoid him.Why he kissed me.