Page 139 of Time with Mr. Silver

Because he insisted I go ahead without him while he went to the restroom.

He came through afterward.

With nothing.

I took it for him.

Whatever it was. He had it. And he made me his mule. His pawn.

If he lied to me about that, what else has he lied about?

Chapter 33


Theclockonthewall ticks by with each passing second. Marking another second of my life where I am trapped. Caged like an animal.

Kept apart from her.

“They’re holding you on making a threat against life while in the possession of a firearm, and for resisting arrest.”

I look up at my lawyer, Sophie, as she walks into the interview room. It’s bigger than the cell I was in before. That just had a metal bed frame bolted to the floor and a low-level WC that stank with the dried-on remnants of the last lucky inhabitant’s bowel contents in. At least this room doesn’t stink of shit, even if all it has is a depressing-looking gray table in the center of the room, with a chair on either side.

“He was going to rape Rose.” I curl my fingers into my palm, until my nails bite at my skin. “He was going to fuckingrapeher. And all they’re worried about is the fact that I came close to doing the world a favor and ridding it of an asshole like Julian Young?”

Sophie doesn’t flinch at the venom saturating my voice. She will have heard it all before in her job. And much worse.

“That’s something I will bring focus to in the interview this afternoon. He’s a sexual predator and danger to the community alongside the other charges being brought against him. Mr. Young’s been on their watch list for years, as you know. I’m confident we will get all the charges against you dropped. Especially given the surrounding circumstances.”

She walks over to the table and places her briefcase on top of it, sitting opposite me.

Sophie Havers. Best lawyer in South England. Logan persuaded her to help me out. He met her once when he was set up on a double date with our mate, Drew. But Drew had a better connection with her. Something Drew’s been trying and failing to explore since. And looking at her now, all professional and confident, I can tell she isn’t a woman who will be talked into doing anything she doesn’t want to.

Apparently getting Sophie to agree to take you on as a short-notice client is as hard as finding the fucking Holy Grail. She’s known for choosing who she represents on a case-by-case basis without care of the monetary gain at the end. She already gets enough high-profile cases to have herself set up nicely.

Perhaps I’m the charity case. Because despite the estate doing so well, there’s no way I could afford her. I gave Logan my budget. I’m not eating into Jasmin’s future financial security because of Julian fucking Young. He’s already taken enough from her.

“The lab’s running the test now. We should have confirmation of paternity within the hour.” She takes some paperwork from her briefcase and places it on the table before snapping the lid shut.

Within the hour. Just like that, I’ll know for sure. I don’t see that it’s relevant to Young and the business he’s been running, or the fact his ass should be thrown in jail, never to see the light of day again. But Sophie insisted on a test as soon as she arrived and fast-tracked the samples to a private lab.

The acid simmering low in my gut tells me I already know the answer. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me it’s true.

“He’s your father.”

I clench my teeth, a throbbing pain exploding across my forehead and blurring my vision.

Rose looked convinced. She wouldn’t have told me something like that if she wasn’t certain.

Yet, a small part of me still clings to the shred of hope that she was wrong. That she made a mistake. Because I’m nothing like him. Ican’tbe anything like him.

“It must have been a shock finding out. After everything that’s happened. I’ve read your file. About how you came to start working for Young.” Sophie fixes her gaze on me.

She knows. She knows it all.

“But I’d like to hear some things from you.”

I know where this is headed. She’s read my file. But that’s facts. Dates and stone-cold facts.