Nolan twirls his pen, watching me. “You were alone with her for what? Twenty minutes? You’re ready to pour that many resources into her and some idea she pitched you?”
He’s enough of a professional to keep his true question silent.You’re not really doing all this because you want to fuck her, are you?
I decide I’m going to leave his silent question silently ignored. I plaster a confident smile on my face and grip Charli’s shoulder, giving it a little shake. “I’d love to come back and listen to you all moan about how bad things are, but I’m going to go out and get started fixing our problem. Charli and I are taking a field trip. I’ll see you back at the office next week.” I salute Nolan and our employees, then turn to face Charli.
I grip her shoulders and meet her eyes. She looks a little pale and shaky on her feet. “You alright?” I ask.
“Hm?” She says, as if I’ve just woken her from a good nap. “Alright? I’m great. Good. I’ve been seriously considering a good puke, though.”
I grab the trashcan and lift it for her. She eyes it, wobbles a little, then shakes her head. “Did you say a field trip?” she asks.
“Exactly. Come on. I’ve got to explain the plan to you.”
I take Charli’s hand in mine, mostly just because I’m enjoying the terrified and confused look on her face. I also take her hand because I want Vaughn to see when we walk back out into the conference room.
I open the door and find Vaughn and Griffon Vanderlesh staring our direction with very pissed looks on their faces. Vaughn must’ve told Daddy what he saw and they were waiting to see us when we came out. He’s probably hoping his eyes were playing tricks and it wasn’t really his girlfriend at my side. Griffon actually looks a little more pissed than Vaughn, but the man has resting dick face, so it’s hard to determine how mad he actually is.
I give them both my best charming smile and a wink while I pull Charli with me toward the exit again. I don’t look back to see if they’re following after us. Probably not. Vaughn and his father are, like me, more of the backstabbing and less of the front punching types. Cowards.
And no, I’m not a coward. I just prefer the satisfaction of subtle sabotage more than simple brutality. I’m a man of refinement in my tastes. They are just cowards.
“What’s going on?” Charli asks.
“I’m going to get your book published. That’s what.”
“Just like that?” she asks.
“Just like that. It’s your lucky day, I guess.”
“Look, I’m going to tell you everything you want to know. But not here.” I tap my ear knowingly and raise my eyebrows. I have an idea, and having great ideas always puts me in an amazing mood. The more it’s forming in my head, the more energy I feel buzzing inside me. I could whistle and kick my heels right now. It’s all too fucking perfect.
“What?” she asks, looking around in confusion. “You’re worried somebody is going to listen? Out here?”
To her point, we’re in a parking lot full of cars and no people. I’m not even sure why I felt compelled to get her away from the convention in the first place. Maybe I was just sensing how much it was hurting her to be there while Vaughn was prancing around with that woman. Or maybe I’m just an asshole and I want her at my hotel.
“Can’t be too careful these days,” I say. “Come on. You can ride with me.”
I remember her comment about not minding door holding, so I open the passenger door of my rental for her and gesture. “After you.”
She rolls her eyes, but smiles as she slides in.
I move around behind the wheel. I drum my fingers excitedly on the dash and turn on some music. Charli is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“You really aren’t what I expected,” she says.
“Good. Meeting expectations is boring as shit. And if your expectations were built by Vaughn Vanderlesh, then I better hope I don’t meet them.”
“Okay. Good point. But, can you tell me what’s going on yet? I feel like there’s more to this than you liking my story.”
I turn the key and start driving.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re kind of weird?” she asks.
“Words can hurt, Charli.”
When I glance her way, she’s actually grinning up at me.