Page 13 of First Comes Revenge

“That was…” He checks his phone. “You met her less than three hours ago. I’m really not sure I want to give you any credit for what you ‘initially’ felt. You changed your tune pretty quick.”

“I felt bad for her, man. Have you ever seen someone try to pull a door when they had to push for that long and in such a high stress moment? It was fucking tragic. I had to throw her a bone.”

If glares could melt butter and I was made of butter, then I’d be ready to spread on toast by now, because Nolan is furious. “Does she even have a book? Tell me she at least has a book, because I just vouched for you and swore up and down that you wouldn’t rush off from the convention we’ve spent months planning for a girl without a book.”

“I held the manuscript in my hands and read the first two chapters. All joking aside, it was good. We can definitely make it sell.”

He runs his hands down his face. “We can’t keep pulling stunts like this, Jameson. Landmark is riding our asses. Sure, it’s bullshit, but they’re chipping away at our reputation every month. We had three of our authors jump ship and sign with them just last month.Three.If that keeps up, we’ll be operating in the red within a year or two.”

“I know. Believe it or not, I listen in our meetings and I read the reports you send me. I’ve been trying to come up with a plan to help. Maybe this is it. We just need a big splash signing.” I consider mentioning the fact that she’s Vaughn’s ex, but I decide to hold onto that one for myself a little longer.

“And this is really just about the book? You’re not at all motivated by wanting to sleep with her?”

I raise my eyebrows and roll my lips together. “I mean, it’s mostly about the book.”

He stares at me.

“I have a pulse. She’s beautiful. I’d be insane if I wasn’t at least wondering what it would be like to have my hands on her.”

“I’m asking you to remember that Gray Wolfe and our partnership comes first. Before any woman. Can you at least do that for me?”

“I always do,” I say, feeling a little irritated. He has never shoved his nose this far in my personal business like this, but I suppose I am tying it to business in a way I never have before. I’ll be walking a thinner line than I realized.

“And you really just met her? This wasn’t some elaborate stunt you set up?”

“What? No. Us staying at the same hotel was a complete coincidence. She’s poor and this was the cheapest hotel available. I’m a procrastinator and this is also the shittiest hotel available, which meant it still had rooms. It’s not that crazy.”

“Fine. Just go read the rest of her book and make sure we get her under contract if it’s good. Cut her loose if it’s not. And do not fuck her.”

I pull my head back. “What? Why can’t I fuck her.”

“For starters? She probably doesn’t want to sleep with you. Beyond that, do I really need to explain it?”

“I’m perfectly capable of fucking an author and then handing them over to our very competent staff for all the business stuff.”

“But you said she was ‘yours’. You said you were handling this one personally. Didn’t exactly sound like you wanted to hand her over.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I hold up my palms defensively. “Anyway, she didn’t sound interested yet. I think I need a little more time.”

“You already asked?” He sounds somewhere between horrified and impressed.

I grin. “I didn’t ask, exactly. I just made my intentions clear. You think I’m going to let those dark, dirty thoughts bounce around my head in secret? She deserves to know what I want to do to her.”

Nolan gets up and trips because the chair has no room to slide backwards. He fumbles with the chair between the wall and desk for a moment, then gives it an angry shove. He looks like he’s about to lose his temper. It wouldn’t exactly be a rarity. Nolan has quite the short fuse.

I’m grinning, though.

He looks at me and points a warning finger. “Don’t. This room is fucking stupid. Handle this mess.”

“If you ask me nicely, I’ll do my best.”

“Please don’t fuck this up,” Nolan says coldly over his shoulder. He pulls the door open and slams it behind him.

I watch after him. The unfortunate thing is Nolan should know me better than that. Before our conversation, my interest in the girl was simpler. I thought she was attractive and wondered how much I’d enjoy being inside her.Simple.I also figured there was some devious way to use our mutual hatred of the Vanderlesh family to exact some petty revenge.Simple.But now Nolan has added a not so simple wrinkle. He’s told me to keep my hands off her.

I don’t do well when I’m told I can’t have something. It makes me want it more.

I pop up from the bed, fix my hair in the mirror, and head toward her room.