Eric wouldn’t mind that I was having dirty ideas about what I wanted to do to his little sister, right?

Who was I kidding? He’d kill me just for knowing I was havingthoughtsabout her. I couldn’t even imagine how mad he’d be if I ever acted on my impulses.

I threw the covers off and got out of bed. It was as good a time as any to get the day started, so I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils, and I headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat. We had picked up some groceries at the store before arriving at the cabin, but I didn’t have the energy to make a full meal.

The sun still hadn’t come up, but the ceiling light cast a radiant glow over the rustic yet modern space.

I stood in the cozy kitchen, pouring cereal into a bowl with a certain level of concentration that bordered on absurdity. A simple breakfast, accompanied by a mug of steaming coffee—my culinary prowess knew no bounds.

Sitting down at the table, I took a sip of coffee and reached for the sketchbook that had become my constant companion. My pencil danced across the paper, drawing the interior of the cabin, bringing lines and shapes to life as I lost myself in the rhythm of creation.

Then, a soft rustling of footsteps caught my attention. My heart gave an unexpected jolt, my pencil faltering as I looked up. There she was—Zoey. My body’s response to her presence was involuntary, an electric current that surged beneath my skin.

“Morning,” she greeted with a small smile.

“Hey,” I managed, my voice a little raspier and my dick harder than usual. “Can I make you something to eat?”

She eyed my meal. “Cereal and coffee sound great.”

Her words were casual, but my senses were keenly attuned to her every movement.

“Sure thing,” I replied.

I rose from the table, twisting so she couldn’t see the bulge beneath my sweatpants. She sat at the table and thankfully kept her eyes on my face.

I opened the fridge to retrieve a carton of oat milk. “What are your plans today?”

“I have a lineup of Christmas movies I’m planning to tackle. If I am feeling extra ambitious, I’ll pull out the holiday decorations. But, realistically, chances of me actually doing that? Pretty low.”

“You sure you don’t want to join us?” I asked. “I remember you always loved skiing.”

Zoey shook her head, her expression softening. “Nah, I think I’ll stick around the house today. Just enjoy the quiet.”

I brought over her cereal and coffee and sat down next to her. Her gaze drifted to the sketchbook at my side.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she finally asked, “What are you drawing?”

I hesitated for a moment before sliding the sketchbook over to her. “Just some random stuff.”

She flipped through the pages, pausing at some of the sketches. “You know, I visited your gallery in Wynwood once, but you weren’t there.”

Her words sent excitement through me that I hadn’t expected. “Really? I’m sorry I missed you. I would have loved to have seen you. You should’ve gotten my number from Eric, so I could’ve made sure I was there.”

A soft smile played on her lips. “I’ve always wanted to attend one of your shows, but I was in Boston for school, so my schedule never allowed it. When I go back to Miami, I’ll make sure to catch one. You will have to let me know when your next show is.”

“I’d really like that,” I said. “But my gallery is open year-round, so just give me a heads up when you’re going to swing by.”

She nodded, and her eyes fell back to my sketchbook, and I watched her eyes trace over the lines and curves. She flipped through the pages, and I found myself explaining each piece with a fervor that surprised even me.

“Can I draw you?” The question was out before I could overthink it.

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Really? The famous Bodhi Patel is offering to drawme? Of course!”

This was not how I thought my morning would transpire, but I couldn’t be more pleased. I took the sketchbook and pencil in hand and took in every detail of her face.

The sun was starting to rise, and the rays trickled through the windows, bringing out the warm tones of her skin, her wavy blonde hair, and her almond-shaped eyes.

Our eyes met, causing me to pause mid-stroke. Her eyes widened, and a pink hue danced across her cheeks before her gaze shifted away. I, however, felt nothing but joy. A surge of confidence spread through me at the way she responded to me.