Suddenly, she turned to me, her expression inquisitive. “Mason, why do you always have that guarded look, like you’re bracing for a fight?”

I sighed, not expecting to have to dig deep tonight. “I... I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t get me wrong. You’re amazing, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you. But you push people away a lot—hiding behind sarcasm.”

“That came out of nowhere.” I wanted to change the subject. Even after ten years in therapy, nobody had ever read me so clearly.

“Not really. I didn’t mean to be nosy. I just want to know more about you.” Zoey hung an ornament shaped like a candy cane. “I promise not to psychoanalyze every word.”

Her honesty made me want to let her in—even if it was just a tiny bit. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t have a good example of healthy relationships growing up.”

“Your parents didn’t get along?” She hung another candy cane ornament, but she was a step closer to me this time.

Obviously, she wasn’t about to let this go. And if it had been anyone else, I would have told them to fuck off. But I wanted her to know more about me.

“They actually get along fine.” I paused. “Or at least I think they do. I guess I don’t really know.”

She didn’t press me with words, but I got the sense she was giving me space to go on if I wanted to. I appreciated that she wasn’t pushing me to divulge moments of my past that made me uncomfortable.

“My parents were really busy when I was growing up—my dad with his job and my mom with her never-ending social calendar. A team of nannies raised me. I guess you could say that Bodhi, Liam, and Eric are the only people I consider to be my true family. I’ve never felt like I’ve had to prove my worth to them.”

“That makes a lot of sense.” Zoey reached out, her fingers entwining with mine. “Mason, from what I’ve seen, you’re more than good enough. You have this fierce determination and loyalty. Just because you’ve built up walls to keep people out doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of love or happiness.”

Her words, so sincere and genuine, pierced through the armor I’d built around myself.

Before I knew what was happening, I leaned in, our lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. It was like a confirmation, a silent acknowledgment of the connection growing between us. It wasn’t explosive or demanding; it was reassuring and comforting.

When we pulled apart, her skin was flushed, and her eyes were shining. “See?” she whispered. “More than good enough.”

And those words did it for me. I leaned in for a second kiss. I couldn’t hold back any longer.



The softness of Mason’s lips against mine sent a flurry of sensations throughout my body, each one more intense than the last. Every ounce of logic told me to pull away, but the magnetism between us was undeniable.

I had already been with two of Eric’s best friends. Was it okay to be with Mason, too?

This was a question I didn’t need to deal with right now, because this—whatever it was—felt right. The feeling of his body pressed against mine was exactly what I needed.

Not only that, but Bodhi and Liam had encouraged us to be alone together. Their glances before retreating upstairs told me that they knew exactly what would happen between Mason and me.

They wanted to share me, and no jealousy was at play.

A soft gasp escaped me when Mason’s hands encircled my waist, lifting me off the ground with an ease that took my breath away completely. Instinctively, my legs wrapped around his hips, and he held me securely against him.

His arms lowered, and his fingers dug into my ass, pressing my center against the hardness of his erection. Desire erupted from my core as his length rubbed over my sensitive clit, sending pulses of pleasure through me that made my toes curl.

“I’ve wanted this from the moment you threw the tissue box at us,” he purred against my lips.

I laughed. “Oh, yeah? What exactly do you want, Mason?”

“I want you and your sweet little pussy. I’m going to thrust my cock into you until your eyes roll back in your head and you can’t stop begging for more.”

He had a filthy mouth on him, too, just like Bodhi, and my body responded to his words with arousal wetting my center. “I think that’s a plan I can get on board with,” I said before pressing my lips against his and pushing my hips up and down the bulge in his pants.

He backed me against the wall, breaking the kiss momentarily, his fiery body holding me against the wood.