My parents exchanged another glance, and my dad spoke again. “While this is not what we expected, all we want is for you to be happy and safe.”

My mother’s voice was shaky, but firm. “Love is complex. But it’s also the most beautiful thing. It might take us time to understand and come to terms with this, but we trust your judgment. Just promise us one thing.”

I looked at her, nodding for her to continue.

“Promise that you’ll always look out for each other, that you won’t let this relationship harm or overshadow the individual love and respect you have for one another. So, always communicate, and always be honest.”

We all nodded in agreement.

Eric, who had been silent until now, spoke up. “I’ve watched them, Mom, Dad. And I know Bodhi, Liam, and Mason better than I know anyone else in the world. They genuinely care for each other. I trust them.”

“All right then,” my dad said. “You’re an adult, Zoey, and if this is what you want, we’ll accept it and do our best to understand it over time.”

Relief swept over me. This had gone so much better than I had thought.

The inviting aroma of baked lasagna filled the air, a reminder that dinner was almost ready. We all moved into the kitchen, drawn by the tantalizing smell. Liam looked particularly proud, beaming as he took the piping hot dish out of the oven.

“You know, for all the uncertainty in our lives right now,” Bodhi remarked, sniffing appreciatively, “at least we can be sure of Liam’s cooking.”

Mason nodded in agreement.

The weight of our earlier conversation seemed to have lightened considerably, replaced with the joy of being together for the holidays.

Just as Liam was about to serve the first piece, the doorbell rang.

We exchanged confused glances.

“Who could that be?” I wondered aloud.

Eric, looking equally puzzled, headed to the door. “I’ll get it.”

We waited in anticipation, the atmosphere in the room now tinged with curiosity.

Moments later, Eric’s voice floated in from the hallway. “Hey, Zo, it’s for you.”

I furrowed my brows, looking at Liam, Mason, and Bodhi, who were equally baffled. Making my way to the entrance, I was met with a sight I hadn’t anticipated.



Mason and I trailed behind Zoey, moving toward the front door where Eric stood confronting a stranger.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Mason muttered, his hands clenching involuntarily into fists.

I was at a loss, unsure of the visitor’s identity, until Zoey’s voice broke the tense silence. “Adam, what are you doing here?”

The man didn’t answer immediately but instead took in the sight of Mason and me staring back at him.

Recognition dawned on me. It was Zoey’s ex-boyfriend, the one who had callously ended things early in December. While I had never seen him before, it seemed Mason had caught a fleeting look during a previous video call.

A sharp pang of jealousy shot through me, which was ridiculous because I had never met the guy. But I remembered the stories, the tears she’d shed, and the heartbreak she’d been through.

As I approached, Mason was right on my heels, his eyes narrowing. We exchanged a silent glance, the look you share when you both feel overly protective.

Zoey stood there, her posture rigid, eyes wide. The surprise evident on her face was mixed with what I recognized as anxiety.

“Why are you here?” she repeated since Adam hadn’t spoken.